Monday, February 4, 2013

Robots Will Exterminate Humanity & Make Them Become Obsolete

You are about to become obsolete. Forget manufacturing - robots are now replacing humans in the service industry. In the short term the drive to the singularity will make humans almost obsolete in the workplace. In the long term, according to top futurists, the elite may empower robots to exterminate us altogether. Businesses will automate to maximize profit but people will loose purchasing power. I understood the logic, now that So many people i know including me got fired it gets real. An RBE is the best way to live for our paradigm there is no doubt. it up for us people to have the guts to make a real change. beside Obama did not really change anything didn't he?

1 comment:

  1. The robot in the White House is also making efforts to exterminate least in THIS country !
