Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict Surprising Announcement : He will Resign on February 28th amidst increasing Vatican Scandals

Today February 11 2013 Pope Benedict made a surprising announcement and let it be known he will resign at the end of this month.He's the first head of the Catholic Church to quit the highest post since the Middle Ages
Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church has decided to resign from his post due to ill health, the Vatican has announced. Pope Benedict XVI has been the head of the Catholic Church for the past eight years. He is one of the oldest Roman Catholic popes to be elected in history.

(February 11, 2013) - Pope Benedict Resigns Pope Benedict XVI to Retire on Feb 28 2013 | Vatican confirms Resignation Pope Benedict XVI is to resign on February 28, the Vatican has announced. He will be the first head of the Catholic Church to resign in almost 600 years. The Vatican said his departure would leave the post temporarily vacant. Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said: "The pope announced that he will leave his ministry at 8:00pm (7pm UK time) on February 28." He will step down after almost eight years in the post, having been elected in April 2005. Edward Pentin, from the Catholic Herald, told Sky News: "It really is too early to say what his greatest achievement has been."


  1. Increasing scandals...where are they? He has taken the necessary steps to stop further infiltration of both the San Francisco and Boston lifestyle; turned back the liberals, modernists and progressives in the Church; worked to move out many of the Free Masons; turned back the influence Zionist have within the Vatican and world, to name few. And on top of that he was been a great pope contrary to what the evangelical, pentecostal, zionist and secular media said he was going to be, and after all the protestants said he was the antichrist after JP II. I'd say the world owes him a debt of gratitude.

    You protestant have to get past attacking the Roman Rite and focus instead on why sola scriptora is wrong, or at least be the Christians Christ wanted you to be.

  2. Anonymous, couldn't have said it better myself. I will add this though, the Protestants are so READY to down the Catholic faith, (True Faith-thank-you very much), that they can't see the PLANKS in their own eyes! BUNCH OF HYPOCRITS!!! Oh, and the Protestant church is RIDDLED with sexual abuse cases that the LAMESTREAM MEDIA dare not focus on! The Protestants not only owe Pope Benedict a debt of gratitude, but an apology as well.

  3. Whilst you "good Christians" bicker amongst yourselves, let's not forget that the child molesters get a free pass from the Vatican. Just sayin'...

  4. The Prophecies of St. Malachy said new Pope will be Black Guy, Rome will be destroyed, WWW3 coming soon ...
