Friday, February 1, 2013

Nigel Farage Wants the UK out of the EU in order to prevent 29 Million Romanians and Bulgarians to come to the UK

Nigel Farage On 29 million people from Romanian And Bulgarian To the UK. 50% of the population of Romania are below the poverty line - they can't feed their families. In 2014, they get free access to UK and other countries. The standard of living in the UK is vastly better than that in their grotty little towns in Bulgaria or Romania. The UK had well over 1 million Poles settle in UK from May 2004 on. I suspect we'll see a similar amount or more due to the acute poverty which people suffer in Romania and Bulgaria. If I was Romanian or Bulgarian, I'd be packing my bags NOW said Nigel Farage . Nigel Farage's contributions: 8:55, 12:53 (and disagrees with Grant Shapps at 15:37), 28:32, 38:01, 49:19.

1 comment:

  1. We don't want them in the UK

    Sign this petition to restrict Bulgarian and Romanians from entering the UK:
