Monday, February 18, 2013

Glenn Beck: I'm Done With Establishment Republicans, I Support Constitutionalists Like Rand Paul

Glenn Beck talks with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly about how moderate establishment Republicans have betrayed the party's values and worked against the Tea Party and constitutional conservatives.Rand said from the beginning of the primaries he would endorse the eventual GOP nominee. It was purely a political move, which he waited until Ron had dropped out to do. That does not mean he actually supported Romney, he called Romney out very strongly on foreign policy. It did, however, help Rand advance within the GOP


  1. "That does not mean he actually supported Romney, he called Romney out very strongly on foreign policy."

    Gotta throw the BS flag on that one. Endorsing Romney is bad enough and a betrayal to those of us who see the establishment itself as the threat. However unless you're going to pull a Bill Clinton on the rest of us, Rand's campaigning for Romney and saying things like "We hope to get him elected" is pretty clearly offering support. Quit denying it... Rand Paul sold out to the GOP for the sake of advancing his own career and the rest of us be damned.

    1. Have to go along w/ Anon on Rand Paul selling out.
      He's prepping for 2016.
      Re Glenn Beck, the guy's an absolute chameleon!
      A poser, a ruser, and an obfuscator.
      He had g Edward Griffin on a yr or two back but since
      then, has dissed about everything Griffin says and stands

  2. I was warned about Glenn being a charlatan back in 2010. Diligently, I was reading and studying everything about the current day economic and political crisis. As Glenn would say, "Don't believe me, do your own research!" I even attended the Glenn D.C. rally in August 2010. My final breaking point came when Glenn endorsed Santorum who was removed from office by his own electorate for being a crook and rated the #1 worst senator out of 100. Bottom scum. With all of Glenn's talk about the next George Washington, and "Where is he?" He then endorsed Romney instead of Ron Paul. I rate Glenn worse than a chameleon or charlatan. Not only is Glenn a complete phoney snake oil salesman, he's part of the NWO Elite distraction to continue to deliberately mislead millions with the false Left-Right Paradigm.
