Friday, February 15, 2013

From Dorner to Waco to MOVE Bombing ~ Growing Militarization of Domestic Policing

Waco - A New Revelation : The first time that the U.S. govt used armored vehicles, helicopters and military actions against American citizens What can Americans expect - what with BHO, et al, now attempting to abrogate the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights? - The fire that killed former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner on Tuesday has drawn comparisons to the deadly 1993 raid on the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, and the 1985 police bombing of the MOVE headquarters in Philadelphia. In Waco, federal agents denied for years they had used incendiary tear gas after a fire killed 76 people inside the compound. The MOVE bombing left six adults and five children dead. We speak to former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper and Radley Balko, author of the forthcoming book, "Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces."

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