Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ezekiel Prophecy : Iran vs Israel, Fallen Angels & Nazi Occultism

UFO researcher and student of ancient manuscripts, Lynn Marzulli, shared his theories on how current events in the Middle East and Europe are fulfilling biblical prophecy for cataclysm.

Marzulli set the stage by reading a passage about an Iranian missile attack against Israel from his book, The Revealing. Marzulli believes comments and actions made by the President of Iran are leading up to a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel in fulfillment of a 2,700 year old prophecy from Ezekiel. Syria may also play a role in the coming catastrophe, he said.

Marzulli also touched on other topics including the hybridization program of fallen angels (inner-dimensional beings), who he said fathered the Nephilim, as well as Nazi occultism and the "Luciferic Sacrifice" of the Jews during the holocaust, which Marzulli believes cracked open a barrier and let the "ancient ones" back through -- possibly explaining the rise in UFO sightings and abductions since World War II.


L. A. Marzulli is the author of the Nephilim Trilogy. The Nephilim Trilogy made the CBA best sellers list and continues to thrill readers a decade after the first book in the series was published. Marzulli received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his work on the Nephilim Trilogy. Marzulli is also the author of the non-fiction work, Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural. The book packs a hard hitting expose of how the current political landscape may bring about ancient Biblical prophecies, which then may trigger supernatural events that are foretold in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

His latest offering, The Alien Interviews, features 17 personal, intense interviews with people who have been directly involved with the UFO phenomena. The book was written for the skeptic with various world-views presented as to what this phenomena may be. He has also teamed up with film producer Richard Shaw to create the Watchers DVD series. Marzulli has lectured on his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, as well as made appearances and interviews on numerous national radio and television programs.

Ezekiel (pron.: /ɨˈziːki.əl/; Hebrew: יְחֶזְקֵאל, Y'ḥez'qel, Hebrew pronunciation: [jəħezˈqel]), Arabic:حزقيال Hazqiyal, 'God will strengthen' (from חזק, ḥazaq, [ħaˈzaq], literally 'to fasten upon,' figuratively 'strong,' and אל, el, [ʔel], literally 'God', and so figuratively 'The Almighty') is the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible.

In Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith, Ezekiel is acknowledged as a Hebrew prophet. In Judaism and Christianity, he is also viewed as the author of the Book of Ezekiel that reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and the Millennia Temple visions, or the Third Temple

A fallen angel is a wicked or rebellious angel. The term is found neither in the Hebrew Bible nor the Deuterocanonical Books nor the New Testament. Nonetheless, biblical commentators often use fallen angel to describe angels who sinned or angels cast down to the earth from the War in Heaven, Satan, demons, or certain Watchers.

Mention of angels who descended to Mount Hermon, (not "fell") to earth is found in the Book of Enoch, which the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church accept as canonical, as well as in various pseudepigrapha.


  1. I have never heard so much bull shit misinformation and lies!in all my life!

  2. Everything in this area is supposition since there is no proof of anything. Most is opinion and belief which has no science behind it. Even the bible is not necessarily truth. For man is fallible and each is working for his own recognition.

  3. The message presented here is that of man's, but the words contained in the bible are the word of God.

    “ALL Scripture is inspired of God.” These words at 2 Timothy 3:16 identify God, whose name is Yahweh (Jehovah), as the Author and Inspirer of the Holy Scriptures. They are indeed “the very knowledge of God” that has been sought after and treasured by lovers of righteousness in all ages.—Prov. 2:5.

    The Biblical Writers were 'scribes' used to pen the very thoughts of God, much like s secretary takes dictation from her Boss.
