Friday, February 22, 2013

End Time America: 2013 - 2014 Forewarnings

This ALARMING and ACCURATE PROPHETIC SCENARIO is coming to AMERICA, NOW and Thru 2013 & 2014. ::.. NO PERSON will be left UNSTIRRED. Those who stand will not be weak & timid, but bold & strong. :::. ________ *While U.S. Leaders, the Media & most others today are still pondering & debating about AMERICA'S FUTURE and its ECONOMY, this EXCLUSIVE Video FRAMES SPECIFIC ANSWERS to these questions below, and CRYSTALLIZES IN ADVANCE what's coming : ::.. Is America's Reign as a Super-Power restorable? Or over? Next U.S. Presidential Election of Nov 2012? Bible's perspective RE: Romney & Obama? U.S. Economy to worsen or recover? Will U.S. GOVT keep towards 1-World GOVT? ..or return to its former status? Which 2 prime groups in USA are NOW 1st in line for God's Warnings? Why? Is judgment coming to America? Or blessings & prosperity, like before? Why?


  1. Reagen was sent by God???? Now I've heard everything. I thought the electorate voted for him. Bible thumpers always claim Republicans are sent by God therefore by implication Democrats must be sent by the Devil. Well maybe in Obama's case he may be right. Anyone who disagrees with a particular bible thumper is always a devil worshiper. I hope these people never get to procreate so their foolish spawn will not continue to pollute the mind of man!!!

  2. Lance... The polluting is already in full charge even as close as a 1/2 generation ago! Religious intent has always being to divide and conquer, humanity buys into it generation after generation? Now the Pope has being found guilty of child abuse and those of his clergy Maximus are in it to their back teeth also!

    Ah well keeping ones intent clean towards others is the best we can do as individuals! Let Rome burn so to speak as things come apart we alone can a make a difference!

    Godspeed to all those pure of heart... Love. Love . Love to all!

  3. wtf!?! dude, yer delusional!

  4. Regan is a Racist White Satanic Beast NWO Puppet. LMAO Regan sent by God.

    This guy is eluding to the Racist idea that Obama is the Antichrist. Obama is a: High Seddity (a classcist who sees himself as superior to the rest of us Blacks), Egocentric Sociopath, Global Elite Sellout, who would rather score points with the Gays, the NWO. and Atheists, as opposed to uplifting Blacks, Natives, other Minorities and the poor who elected him.

    Not the Antichrist.

  5. ((( O people Say No God But Allah, Achieve Eternal Salvation )))

    " Laa illaha illa lah ." (There is none worthy of worship except Allah.)

    ( I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger )

    ( Introduction to Islam )

  6. ((( O people Say No God But Allah, Achieve Eternal Salvation )))

    " Laa illaha illa lah ." (There is none worthy of worship except Allah.)

    ( I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger )

    ( Introduction to Islam )

