Thursday, February 14, 2013

David Icke in Australia ~ Time to Unslave Humanity

We do live in a upside down world. Lawyers destroy justice.Religion destroys spirituality.Government destroys freedom.Media destroys reality and so on.Up is down, black is white,evil is good,a circle is square. We Never Leave Infancy! Evil scientific Enigmas made sure of that especially this century. What this means is Fear rules how we do anything,Fear is the only thing controllable by Evil which if i'm being honest is just a misperception of strength... some human beings must maintain perspective while giving people as much freedom as possible to experience self.The HACK is fractally counter programmable to those with knowledge transparency of enigma .look at how human beings have moved as can really see the subjective constructions, the manifestations of self, the ideas of the manifestations of self..Optical illusion is value to perception of dream reflection..which most think is deception, when in fact its rejection of the normal which those with creative power have to do and at some point human beings have realized.. The matrix is a powerful tool for the establishment to continue their evil. Masking evil with rainbows and butterflies has worked for far too long. Be who you are not who the establishment tells you you are.Peace.

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