Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bruce Willis Against Obama's Gun Control Law: Don't Infringe Second Amendment Right

In a recent interview promoting his upcoming movie "A Good Day to Die Hard," Willis said he's against the new gun control laws proposed by President Obama because he believes they could infringe on our Second Amendment rights.


  1. Of course Bruce. You're violent portrayals do nothing to desensitize the viewer???

    In psychology, desensitization (also called inurement) is defined as the diminished emotional responsiveness to a negative or aversive stimulus after repeated exposure to it.

    Modern culture is full of violence, and indeed glorifies violence. Bruce so smugly rolls off he and his ilks innocence, and totally ignors the fact that he is VERY much apart of the very violent modern day society.

    Anyone loving violence [Jehovah’s] soul certainly hates.—Ps. 11:5.

    Satan tries to alienate us from God by stirring up love of violence in our hearts. The Devil knows that Jehovah hates anyone who loves violence. Therefore, Satan tries to use literature, movies, music, and electronic games—some of which incite players to simulate gross immorality and brutality—to appeal to our fleshly desires. Satan does not mind if part of our heart is loving what is right as long as part of it loves what is bad, what he promotes. (Ps. 97:10) On the other hand, God’s spirit moves those who receive it to be chaste, peaceable, and full of mercy. We would do well to ask ourselves, ‘Does the entertainment I choose encourage positive qualities in me?’ The wisdom from above is “not hypocritical.” (Jas. 3:17) Those who are influenced by God’s spirit do not preach chastity and peace to their neighbors and then revel in watching sadistic violence and immorality in the privacy of their homes.

    1. You're wrong! It's Big Foot and the stories of the tooth-fairy whom have alienated us from "God". LOL! Religion has turned you into a perfect mind conrolled puppet! Let me ask you something: do you watch the news on a daily basis? That's filled with violence. Even better, your religious scripts are filled with nothing but violence and vengence! Yeah, that doesn't fuck with you mind now does it?!

    2. Nothing but violence and vengeance???
      Another ignoramus.

  2. Of course Mr. Willis is going to say his movies don't incite violence, what else would he say? And Caleb, while your points are well taken, I must disagree with you. God hates NO ONE. He loves ALL of His children, even those that are bent on killing the innocent. God HATES the sin, but LOVES the sinner.

    1. I understand the point you make, and in general I agree with your thought. But if (Bible) Scripture is the reference point as it should be, Psalm 11:5 puts it in Black and White terms -

      Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, And anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates. - Psalm 11:5

  3. Listen nut jobs, you don't think your bible isn't full of violence? You guys always make me laugh. God also tell you not to judge someone. Boy you guys sure as fuck LOVE to do it. Just back to worshipping the voices in your head.

    1. Ignorance must be bliss...

    2. Sounds like you're doing your fair share of judging buddy.

    3. "Sounds like you're doing your fair share of judging buddy."

      That's a judgemental statement in itself!

      P.S.: I'm scared that I have to hide my name.

  4. Boy Anons, butthurt much?-Jessica.
