Friday, February 1, 2013

BREAKING NEWS - Eric Dollard - The TRUTH about the Sun - 29\01\2013.

Is the Sun Dying ? Eric Dollard reveals 3 secrets about the Sun , Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak.The US Navy said he was the smartest person they ever had! He worked for RCA & Bell Labs and both said he was a genius!

Eric Dollard has done over 4 years of research on the Sun at Sonoma State University before his lab was taken from him. Here he reveals astonishing truths about the sun never before heard in such frank and straight speak. Rebuild WardenClyffe - I have put this video out in it's most basic form - My heart tells me so - I will issue apologies if am wrong . - I think the energy that powers suns may come from Black holes - Fits perfectly - A large sun reaches the end of it's life - Stops producing energy and becomes invisible - a black hole - Now the sun has reversed its role and sucks in and recycles spent solar systems - converts it into energy which is then " sent " to younger suns to give life to younger solar systems - Birth and rebirth - The perfect cycle. ... He he Heh! - Here is a another copy of this video on you tube - Well worth a look for the COMMENTS on it, I highly recommend the other Eric Dollard vids on this channel as well... Great stuff! What the bankers did to Tesla is a crime against humanity...


  1. I can see why he got his lab taken away... this guy spouts nothing but gibberish. Sheesh!

  2. And your qualifications are?

    1. What does it matter? I could spout off my qualifications and claim that I am the ghost of Carl Sagan (and I'm sure there would be a few on here that would believe me too), and make all sorts of absurd claims like the sun is a hollow sphere powered by a black hole too. Think man, think!

      First, when someone makes a claim like the sun is hollow, humans caused global warming, Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, or that the world is run by shapeshifting reptillians, it is up to the person making the claim to provide the evidence. The reason I can "believe" that things like Sandy Hook or 9/11 were staged is because the official story doesn't stand up to scrutiny and because there are tons of historical examples to back the concept of manufacturing a crisis in order to push a political agenda. What kind of proof is this guy offering?

      That incidentally is called "critical thinking" which is sorely lacking even in the Patriot movement at times.

      Second, Google Eric Dollard and see the kinds of websites he appears on... it's all fringe stuff like Project Avalon. Where is the peer review process? I won't deny that there is a lot of politicization in the scientific community, nor will I deny that certain discoveries and inventions have been suppressed and/or ridiculed. On the other hand there are a lot of kooks out there that do make ridiculous claims looking for their five minutes of fame. It takes discernment to tell the difference.

      Third, astronomers and astrophysicists aren't stupid. Granted that there is much about the universe that we don't know, but anybody is capable of going back and tracing the work of these scientists and seeing for themselves how they were able to come up with the conclusions they did. The methods and technology used is well established.

      I would suggest anybody buying into this crapola actually take the time to do some research on how the sun works and maybe even consider taking a course or two on astronomy. I'll even provide a useful link in the hopes that maybe someone reading this post will take the time to become educated.
