Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bio-Microchip ready in March 2013, After Israel Attacks Iran

When President Obama realized the importance and significance of the micro biochip especially with the development the Nano Technology, he embarked in the development of the biochip into possibly a mini medical laboratory right inside the human body (in conjunction with the computers). This will definitely ensure a healthier life for the user with the biochip constantly monitoring the health of the body. This will safe the American billions of dollar from , medication, hospitalization, health care, etc. This Verichip (micro biochip for human implantation) with unexpectedly great health benefit to the user, will be ready latest by 23rd March 2013. Every American will be grateful for this chip. Almost all Christians too will disire this Verichip for it will almost guarantee a healthy body and a longer lifespan. But it is the mark of the beast or '666'. God's love for His people is shown that before the availability of this miraculous chip, WW3 will break out. So Israel will attack Iran in early 2013.


  1. Doug Hemp theorizes there's not ANY actual mark or chip we could embed that would forever separate us from God. He goes on to theorize the Mark is actually changing our genetic code. That the AC will perform miracles and offer his genetic code to his followers. That that genetic code will make people no longer in the image of God, but Satan . . .just as people were when the Nephilim were on earth and God destroyed those half human/half demons with the flood. "Just as in the days of Noah"

    I think Hemp has an excellent point.

  2. Wow.No wonder its the mark of the beast.A chip like this could regulate the very emotions you feel.If someone else is in control of your emotions,dont you think it could impact or even dictate the dicisions you make? A veritable slave crown.

  3. Man, if this is not SHEAR EVIL, I don't know what is!!! Perhaps the brain dead masses will comply, but I won't! Like the Middle-School girl who resisted taking the bio-chip card, I will NOT have these "Globalist Monsters" putting ANYTHING in me or having me carry anything! God help this Oh, and Robin, Steve Quayle has been saying what Hemp has spouted FOR YEARS!!!

  4. I forgot one very important point, there WILL NOT be a "Rapture!" This is again Satan trying to deceive the masses. There will be many who will die as martyrs during the "Tribulation," but we must still FIGHT to the BITTER END!

  5. It amazes me that so many 'decent' folks can be deceived by this kind of silly interpretation of Revelation. It appears to me that these last generations are becoming dumber & dumber.

    They make no attempt at explaining the clear structure of the book of Revelation, no attempt to tie the threads back to the clear connections in Daniel 2 & 7, and have basically no knowledge of the history of nations and of Chrisianity.

    Just grab a word here, and words there, add a them to clearly pagan philosophy and be in awe.

    I'd say that if you believe all this nonesense, you already have the mark of the beast on you, and cannot see the truth that can set you free.

    1. WARNING: The school of hard knocks is the hardest way to learn. What you have expressed as to your feeling about the chip that the Government is bringing in, in March 2013 shows me that you are going to attend the school of hard knocks In how you will learn the chip is the mark of the beast in the Bibles book of Rvelation.

  6. Only people who are religous risk going to hell.

    Freaks. Nothing good comes from religion. All evil on the planet, always religion involved.

  7. If your cat food is disappearing faster than your cat can eat, you might have some visitors through the flap. I solved this issue with microchips for cats. My vet showed me one, inserted it in few sec through the skin and my new cat flap is only opening in front of my cat now!

    microchips for cats

  8. Most people now go for the safest option for their pets, a microchip ID. As a vet, you have to have to be well prepared to read the ID of the pets new clients bring you with a dog microchip scanner.

    dog microchip scanner

  9. You also cheat the system. By using a tattoo but I won't tell you.

  10. KJV Bible Revelation 16:2 " And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell anoisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, andupon them which worshipped his image"

  11. I am doing a report on this for school and it is sure to break out an argument. Brace yourselves everyone for the end!

  12. Microchip reader is especially introduced by talented experts for the safety of your pet against missing.

