Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Benjamin Fulford: After Pope falls, British Monarchy under severe attack, global turbulence increases

The Pope's resignation is no surprise as the New World Order is at a climax, what his resignation really means will be a shocker! prophesy is being fulfilled, Obama hid the forced implantation of the RFID[666] chipin the right hand or the forehead, do not receive the mark. stop abortion[ murder] now, stop chemtrails[poisons]now,stop homosexual and lesbian marriage[sodom and Gamorah] sins now, stop fluoride [poison] in water and toothpaste now.give money reserved for abortion to adoptions now, Love one another,God is Love Why force God to be Angry


  1. I dont know what this man is but he has a reputation for years of disinformation big time. Not one thing that he said would happen did. He takes news items and spins them into some fantasy then promises good things to come. I can not believe people still follow him or believe his musings.

    1. Fully agree with your comment.

    2. Why some of us call him Benjamin Fulofshitford. Same for Dr Ding Dong, Clif I'mHigh, Tim Brainfat, and a few others I can think of. I don't consider them to be disinfo but more like attention whores who thrive on spinning fantastic tales and scaring the crap out of the weak-minded for the sake of selling DVDs/Books/expensive survival gear.

  2. Throw Harry Dent into that pile of sh*t too!
    Talk about a broken clock, He can't even be correct
    twice a day !

  3. I believe that the Vatican should not have secrets documents, not even governments, they should have nothing to hide as they suppose to serve Humanity.

    Very important!!! We all must listen to this video and share it for the better of the all world. We are free from slavery from are governments, but they do not want us to know.

    OPPT - The New Paradigm

  4. Its all satans game plan all those comments from confussed weak minds
