Saturday, February 16, 2013

Back to the Future ~ A Blast from the Past

Tumbling down the Rabbit Hole. A synchronistic look between alien Greys, the Atomic bomb and JFK's classified documents... hidden once again in Hollywood Movies. A synchronistic look between the Olympian Gods, Zeus, Kronos and Hades with the film Back to the Future.A synchronistic look into the infinite, including a look behind the true identity with the eye of Horus and it's association to the film "Back to the Future." Going through the tunnel to the other side... but where will it lead? Reaching the other side of the tunnel. A look into the deep hidden occult, as well as another synchronistic look behind the number 42 and the colour green, as discussed in my 'ESCAPING THE MATRIX' series.


  1. OK, now we are really stretching things. I suppose that because every police car has 911 stenciled on the side it must be a conspiracy that goes back at least 20 years before the event, right? Geez!

    We get the point that 9/11 was at the very least committed with government foreknowledge and probably an inside job. We also get the point that at least in some cases hints and clues are dropped in Hollywood movies, aka Sandy Hook.

    However when people start folding $20 bills to represent the twin towers and in this case pulling scenes out of an old movie and flipping it upside down to imply 9/11 foreknowledge, they are chasing ghosts and making the rest of us that really want to know the truth look bad.

  2. check this

    everything is so upside down, you put the aliens into this you have all the answers. it's a complete human mind fuck! we can't grasp it. are the symbols by design, or are they psychic references to inherent all knowing universal mind.

    this is so messed up, it's a complete mind fuck, we don't have the capacity to see.
