Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Approaching Catastrophes ~ John Jay Harper

Date: 01-21-07
Host: Art Bell
Guests: John Jay Harper

Author John Jay Harper warned of massive changes to the earth, climate, and health that he sees coming due to solar flare activity and other factors. Solar Cycle 24, which peaks around 2011, is predicted to be one of the most intense on record according to solar physicist David Hathaway.

Harper outlined a worst case scenario in which a galactic core explosion triggers mass coronal ejections from the sun that would boil the Earth's ocean floor and cause undersea volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. There'd be mass starvation, illness, and migrations, with the loss of satellites knocking out communications on a wide scale. Satellites could also be taken out in the event of a possible space-based war, he added.

People can prepare for the upheaval by boosting their immune systems, Harper suggested, recommending flax seed oil, elderberry extract, and powdered Vitamin C. Safer areas will be away from the coast lines and large bodies of water such as in parts of the northern United States, he said.


  1. Prophets just don't pass the test of time. In retrospect they are really full of shit.

  2. The date on this is 2007 and, as far as I know, nothing happened.

    Please keep the articles more current.

  3. An explosion at the galactic core would take 50,000 years to reach us at the speed of lite.
