Tuesday, January 15, 2013

They WILL Expand The Debt Again!

We are up against the National debt again! Let me make you a promise! They will expand it again or either we are going to default! They have to raise it. There are no other options. All the bickering and blaming is an act, no different than a WWF event. At the end of the day, they're high-fiving and patting themselves on the back. They get to keep their salaries, and all their cronies are smiling. All the way to the bank.
 King Obama is already blaming the Republicans for our situation; they're all responsible! Fear mongering is not leadership!

King Obama will raise taxes without Congress!

King Obama will ban weapons. ammo and accessories without Congress!

King Obama will raise the debt ceiling without Congress!

Let the sheeple line up for handouts and registry!

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