Thursday, January 3, 2013

The US dollar will collapse in 2013 says Max Keiser

US dollar will collapse in 2013 See usa collapse on revelation 18 & jeremiah 51 if usa doesnt repent. The usa is already history. May God help us because there is no hope in this government.

A prominent economist tells Press TV that the United States so-called fiscal cliff is more like a 'bottomless pit of debt' that the country is diving into. He also added that the United States risks collapsing of dollar in 2013. US President Barack Obama has signed into law a bill backed by the Senate that averted the so-called fiscal cliff, the White House says. Obama signed the 'American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012' on Wednesday, the White House said in a statement. On January 1, the House of Representatives voted 257 to 167, approving the bill, which consists of raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, while exempting others who earn less than $450,000 a year. It will also put off 109 billion dollars in budget cuts for two months. To further discuss the issue, Press TV's News Analysis program has conducted an interview with Max Keiser, a journalist and broadcaster in London, Eric Draitser, founder of in New York, and Rollin Amore who is an economist and political commentator in Washington.


  1. It will all end with us all living happily ever after.
    The Bankers will all feel guilty and give it all back.
    The Rothschilds & Rockefellers will form a World Co-operative for the benefit of the poor which will be managed by George Herbert Walker Bush & Henry Kissinger.

    And GOD will see that it is good.

  2. BS Max dollar will not collapse in 2013

  3. gold and silver will spike as did in 1979-1980

    banks will take in cash, then raise interest rates and the gold/silver will drop again to new level.

    history repeating itself.

  4. Knowledge is power indeed. Do you know the birth name of the character "Max Keiser"? Or what powerful family he belongs to?

    For some basic knowledge, delve into this site.
