Friday, January 18, 2013

The Geopolitical Surprises for 2013 ~ Wikistrat

This is the first video in a new series featuring Wikistrat Senior Analysts' forecasts of potential geopolitical surprises in the year 2013. In this video, Dr. Benitez discusses pervasive tension in the Caucasus region, as well as the heightened potential for conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. This tension, he notes, could very well spillover into places like Turkey, Russia and Iran, Mr. Michaelis provides his thoughts on US economic and geopolitical recovery. Facilitated by growing investment in the private sector as well as President Obama's touted 'pivot to Asia', Mr. Michaelis suggests the United States will become "the breakout nation of 2013″, Prof. Redaelli discusses the prospect of improved relations between the United States and Iran, which he predicts could lead to official dialogue between the two nations for the first time in decades. Central to this outcome, he suggests, will be a worsening of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei's health, as well as the election of a more moderate presidential candidate, such as Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, the current Mayor of Tehran , Dr. Blady discusses the prospect of a steady decline in the United States' military reach globally. In this regard, he predicts a combination of budget challenges and a failure to effectively manage weapons-procurement programs could lead to dramatic changes, especially with respect to the United States' role in the Middle East and its relationship with Israel.

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