Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Ethics of Capitalism ~ Stefan Molyneux

The only real cure -- the beginning of a cure -- is to move away from the welfare state, rather than towards it. People who criticize libertarians, or anarchists, as Stefan would call himself, for disregarding the poor have a very misconstrued outlook on what the end goals of libertarianism are. The end goals are equity, affluence, and a high standard of living -- and above all, liberty. Attempting to reach these goals outside of liberty is hopeless, time and time again the welfare state fails , this philosophy which Stefan advocates is absolutely necessary. It is and will be the grounding of the liberty movement. Without this grounding, we would inevitably fail back into the clutches of collectivism, big government, and the welfare state. While collectivism and big government have pretty goals and seemingly immediate results, they exacerbate the problem in the long wrong. The welfare state as a solution is like giving morphine to a person with cavities who just needs a dentist.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a piece entitled "The Basic Faults with Capitalism" and it is available for free reading at my web site
    The article identifies the root causes of why capitalism falls short in regard to justice and fundamental rights.
