Saturday, January 19, 2013

Prophecy in the News: The Mahdi is Coming

Prophecy in the News: The Mahdi is Coming . Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, gave an impassioned speech at the UN. He let the world know that the Islamic Savior, the Mahdi, would soon be returning, accompanied by a sidekick—Jesus Christ! Gary and Bob examine Islamic theology and point out how their apocalyptic perspective on the end times has been hijacked right out of the pages of the Bible!


  1. Total bull shit from two bigoted so called Christians! The Mahdi is the equivalent of John the Baptist! And the Son of Mary Jesus will be baptized by the Mahdi to denote his status as the son of GOD! If you are going to claim scholarship you must stick to truth ! Mr Ahmadinejad has never called for the destruction of Israel! And here was me thinking Christians told the truth! Silly me!

    1. Open your eyes and see. Admadinejad has called for the destruction of Israel multiple times, in public, on video. As for the mahdi, The moon demon and the rest of islam is a satanic deception and so is the mahdi. Jesus is the truth, repent and accept the truth while you still can.

  2. Weeell Mr Anonymous, YOU are the BULLSHITTER!!!
    And you probably deny the Holocaust as well !!!!

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Destruction of Israel
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Exchanges between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel have demonstrated strained relations between the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Jewish state. These exchanges have been characterized by contentious speeches and statements, including calls to "eliminate the Zionist regime" (Israel).[1][2][3] Ahmadinejad has questioned the existence of the Holocaust,[3] took part in a protest called "World Without Zionism" and has derided Israel on numerous occasions.[weasel words] He has urged regional powers to cut ties with Israel and halt oil sales. Tensions have risen over Iran's nuclear program.[4]

    Ahmadinejad's remarks have been criticized by various world bodies, including the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations.

  3. More about Mahdi Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, the one referred to:

  4. Nuclear coalition potential between Iran and Pakistan:

  5. Anti-Christ was foretold and here it is!!
