Friday, January 11, 2013

Mike Rivero : Disarm The Police and bring the Gun Grabbers to Justice

Unconstitutional mandates, from foreign powers are not laws. NOTHING, trumps the constitution. Unconstitutional 'laws' are null and void, at their inception, according to Article 6 chapter 2 of The US Constitution .Back in the 90's the supreme court ruled that the UN Charter TRUMPS the US Constitution. The Constitution is NO MORE! THAT is according to the supreme court ruling over 10 years ago! Sad but true. I don't like it....

Any freak that does any other mass shooting from here on in should damn well know that their actions will result in more antigun laws... Period. Yeah he was obviously crazy but was this Sandy hook killer also of the leftist mindset and knew all along his actions would spark this kind of debate? Did he shoot his conservative gun toting mother because she wanted him to get off his ass and go out into the real world and get a job? Thats the narrative of the official MSN story anyways.

1 comment:

  1. Hardly anyone is touching on the subject of why the "Globalists" really want to take guns away from law abiding citizens. They know that when the economy crashes, that these same law abiding citizens will go after these Luciferians, and punish them the way they should be punished. THIS IS THE BOTTOM LINE!
