Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bill O'Reilly Slams Obama's 'Social Justice'-Themed Inaugural Address

'President Obama's Attempts to Redistribute Prosperity Will Bankrupt America' After opening The O'Reilly Factor with clips from President Obama's second inaugural address and asking if he was being "too combative" and "short on specifics," Bill O'Reilly launched into his personal reaction to the speech. O'Reilly predicted disaster for Obama's second term last week and the inaugural address doesn't seem to have changed his mind. Comparing the speech to George Washington's inaugural address, evidently unfavorably, O'Reilly critiqued the president for focusing too much on "social justice."

1 comment:

  1. The problem is, the opportunities aren't there anymore. 50% of kids out of college can't find a job that they went to college for, as more and more jobs are either outsourced or no longer available, due to vacant office buildings with "AVAILABLE" signs on them. America is changing and the sooner the president realizes the enormity of the problem, the better. Until then, president Obama will continue to be focused on all the other things, such as gun control, "social justice" and playing golf.
