Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Alex Jones Response to Piers Morgan Interview

That was CNN's whole plan. Piers led him into a trap. As soon as he was done with his screaming tirade over guns, Piers, like a predator, coaxed Alex to tell him his opinion of 9/11. And that's how that slimy worm Piers wrapped up the interview. 100% trap.


  1. For years I though Alex is a normal civilized family man, but when I saw the interview and his pathetic childish screaming, not answering a single question I must say I changed my opinion about him. He had a great opportunity to show Piers the facts and tell his opinion like a normal man, but Noooo... He had to act like a moron. Alex made a great fool of himself while Piers acted professional and didn't let Alex to provoke him. Thumbs up for Piers!!

  2. Pierce is a slimey leftist worm. Alex treated him like the punk bitch redcoat that he is. Good Job Alex!

  3. Alex could have done without the "showy" accent bit, but other than that he handled Morgan the best way possible...he didn't give him any quarter.

    Morgan never allows for resonable debate; he is totally controlled by the globalists.

    And yes, Alex got his points across...period.
    Twas a good day for liberty and freedom,

  4. Alex has been thinking about conspiracies a little too much, i think.
