Monday, January 14, 2013

Alex Jones responds back to Glenn Beck on The Young Turks

I think Alex is right, people should be angry with how their nation is going.The Young Turks are Marxist . Anti-religion pro big government who fundamentally want to change America into something like Cuba and Glenn Beck is a fake conservative


  1. It's a good thing this guy wasn't interviewing Alex in person, Alex would have DECKED HIM! Yeah, Alex is ANGRY, we should ALL BE! I've lost a lot of respect for Alex lately though, especially when I found out that he sells PrisonPlanet Member info. to a certain entity. Also when he allowed Joel Skouson to denagrate Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle, when Doug Hagmann let Alex know that he was being followed by FBI men.This guy interviewing Alex is a GOOF BALL! Do your research IDIOT!

    1. Йнещпрг дуйцфыпе оц фываке

    2. And I likewise have heard Steve Quayle denigrate Joel Skousen. In fact that's what the whole patriot/truther movement has pretty much boiled down to... WWE/NASCAR type smack talk with people pointing fingers at each other, calling each other agent provocateurs or cointelpro. Do you really wonder WHY we have failed?

      There is no unity of purpose... people would rather muck around in their own little shitholes and tear down the Zeitgeist movement, or Steve Quayle, or go on about absolutely meaningless topics like the Bohemian Grove. We bicker and fight amongst each other and nothing meaningful gets accomplished.

      Alex Jones in many ways is one of the worst. Yes, he does give a lot of factual information and has done a lot of good. At the same token he has a way of pulling stunts like he did on Piers Morgan at a critical time when calm heads and professionalism (aka Ben Shapiro)are what is needed. When Alex flies off the handle like that it sabotages the effort as a whole, either by making the rest of us look like kooks by association or by internal division. Remember the Texas gun show incident? Charlie Sheen? The David Icke/Jesse Ventura fallout that looked like Alex Jones had set up? We actually have radio personalities like Mark Dice and Pete Santilli that are building their career around going after Alex Jones, and not without merit.

  2. Alex is brilliant and has studied current world affairs for a long time. He knows exactly what's going on in the world. I'm concerned that he is being exploited by the media because of his combative response during interviews. Personally, I would love to hear less bluster and some simple, educational explanations about the dangers that we are facing in America now. Would hate to see opportunities missed. If Alex didn't play into their ploy to make him look crazy, he could disappoint them by being calmer, giving them less room to poke holes in his interviews. If they get away with discrediting him, he looses the battle.

  3. I love Alex Jones.
    He's done the research. The "conspiracy theories" are all unclassified and publicly documented.
    He yells and screams truth and people laugh and call him crazy.
    I double-check nearly EVERYTHING Alex says, and it all comes up right as rain.

    1. Me too..Alex Jones is legit...He exposes things the others are to afraid to talke about...Alex is right..American men have been when a man with passion comes on TV..the peeps have no idea how to handle it..LMAO....THERE NEEDS TO BE ALOT MORE MEN LIKE ALEX JONES....HE YELLS..BECAUSE HE KNOWS THE TRUTH....AMERICA IS ALREADY AT WAR....AND PEOPLE BETTER WAKE UP AND START EDUCATING THEMSELVES....OR THEIR LIFES WILL BE LIKE THE CHINESE...where there are suicide nets around tall buildings...we want no part of that..GIVE ME LIBERTY..OR GIVE ME DEATH...I REFUSE TO LIVE UNDER MARXISM...COMMUNISM..where a few live off the labor of the many

  4. Imaginary Hitler? Were the 1 million Iraqis the US mass murdered over the last 10 years "imaginary?" Was Aaron Swartz' suicide after being hounded by the US government "imaginary?" Are the drone murders TYT's themselves cover, "imaginary?" We aren't worried about a "possible" tyranny rising - we are worried about a very real tyranny that already exists!

  5. Amen, Anonymous January 15, 2013 at 12:58 AM

  6. Full interview, Part 1 of 2:

    Part 2 of 2
