Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Alex Jones Flames Out On Piers Morgan

I don't think the mainstream media sheeple have ever seen or heard anything like this. I don't care how the job gets done or whose cages get rattled, just so long as the job gets done. The consensus on the blogs seems way more positive than negative. Made the top of Drudge! Alex Jones was awesome !
Building 7
Hatchet Man of the NWO
Elite w/armed body guards
1.6 BILLION bullets
Predator drones
Gang rape
Hacking scandal
Mao/Mass murder
Duck hunting
Red Coat
Who else could have crammed all these gold nuggets into a CNN ambush?


  1. This guy is obviously very young. No family to feed, no mortgage, no divorces enslaving him with alimony/interest payments/social responsibilities etc... It's good he's young because he and those in his generation are the ones who will have to build the new society. The rest of us have to defend what we have to keep us fed and clothed and hope our younger generation can make the government leave us alone.

  2. At the end of the day, man's attempt to rule over himself has ultimately failed. This Failure was foretold centuries ago and recorded at Jerimiah 10:23 - I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.

    Only God's Coming Kingdom can provide the solutions to the problems we are all suffering under.

