Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sandy Hook School Shooting A False Flag Attack Planned 4 Years Ago

The US does have a substantiated long history of false flag events on it's own citizens . Every mass killing of more than three people in recent history has been in a place where guns were prohibited. people need to remember this little FACT before they start screaming for increased gun regulations & restrictions. In Chicago, Mayor Emanuel talked the same message about more gun control. Especially uzi's. Here he is on the Lake of Hypocrisy. Won't surprise me, if his bodyguards are carrying uzis. It could be hidden in a jacket. the next false flag event would target the Truth-Seeking, Prepper, Firearm-owning, non-trusting-of-the-gov't demographic. Now it appears the pansy's mother fit the bill. Now I hear the pansy's father is to testify in the Libor scandal. Sound familiar?


  1. I knew it, I knew it!!! I told EVERYONE I know practically that this was a "False Flag" Attack! Dear Lord, how STUPID do the "Globalists" think we are? Apparently, pretty STUPID! Most that I speak with don't even know what a "False Flag" is, that is, until I explain it to them.

  2. False flag? .... more like a FULL BLOWN HOAX

  3. Want some more wierd shit, the Batman movie shooter's dad was also scheduled to testify in the LIBOR case!

  4. There are definate dots to connect here, both fathers were to testify in the LIBOR fraud.

  5. The video has been removed! Judging by the comments it was obviously a bunch of shit! Do you also have 30,000 false flag hoaxes every year when you loons murder yourselves and each other with your ridiculous guns?

    You nincompoops will believe anything that will help you to keep guns (penis extensions for shemales)

    1. 250 kids die each day from cancer when they are holding the cure, spoons don't make you fat & guns don't kill unless the government have mind control behind the trigger!!! They have wanted to take the guns for a long time so they can bring in the New World Order and this is why they can't do it with us armed....You right about everything you said but you left one thing out....their plan is to devalue the dollar so they can reboot it? with money you can't see it will be on a chip, they call it a cashless system, after the dollar devalues and completely dies everyone will be begging for the new world order and the micro chip, then the system will "reboot", gas will be $.75 per gallonAnd by the way how they are gonna force you to do it when you go to the store & try to buy something with cash it won't work & the clerk will laugh at you and tell you that? they need to scan your chip cause they don't take cash anymore And you will see a lot of shooting that are caused by mind control cause they can't bring in the new world order without taking all of our guns

  6. Looks like things are falling apart for certain people. Humanity is awake now.

  7. Barack Obama's number in Bible prophecy is 444. He is our 44th President elected? on the 4th of November. He was born on 8/4. He is the "Leopard" in Daniel 7:6 with 4 heads and 4 wings. He is the "Lion" in Jeremiah 50:44. He is no ordinary President. Probably the best playlist on my channel for starters is "Biblical Numbers 666 444 1111".

  8. The second amendment is the big stumbling block for the elites who want to usher in a NWO. So long as the U.S. Constitution exists so too will the second amendment. It takes 3/4 or 38 of the state legislatures to ratify any change to the Constitution and the elites know they can never get that. Instead, get ready for another false flag attack like 9/11, only bigger, to prompt martial law and the suspension of the Constitution. Why have so many aircraft carriers been called in from the high seas by the illegal alien and docked close together? There can only be one reason and it is not a good one for the American people.
