Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bio-microchip ready in March 2013

When President Obama realized the importance and significance of the micro biochip especially with the development the Nano Technology, he embarked in the development of the biochip into possibly a mini medical laboratory right inside the human body (in conjunction with the computors). This will definitely ensure a healthier life for the user with the biochip constantly monitoring the health of the body. This will safe the American billions of dollar from , medication, hospitalization, health care, etc. This Verichip (micro biochip for human implantation) with unexpectedly great health benefit to the user, will be ready latest by 23rd March 2013. Every American will be grateful for this chip. Almost all Christians too will disire this Verichip for it will almost gaurantee a healthy body and a longer lifespan. But it is the mark of the beast or '666'. God's love for His people is shown that before the availability of this miraculous chip, WW3 will break out. So Israel will attack Iran before the end of 2012.


  1. OK Then they have ONE week..

  2. ok this chip is supposed to be good, but will it blend?

    1. If it comes from the government it is not good. Just another control mechanism.

  3. Really? once again another false prophetic miscalculation...

    I don't think the Mark of the Beast will be any type of chip "implanted" under someones skin. If anything, it will be some sort of Tatoo similar to those used in every job or product description. one that you have to scan to get more information....

    there are No side affects like those that come with the chip.

    1. You are no pet .This criminal what this president do. We need to protest.
      They will control our life terrible.

  4. I would never put a bio-microchip on myself, they are full!!

    We want the new Keshe's technology . The governments must stop to keep in the dark, subdue, manipulate and deprive Humanity of the new technology, which would change the destiny of the planet and of mankind.

    Keshe has donated the new technology to humanity, but governments keep it secret, what a shame!

  5. It is a matter of worship!
    Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
    Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  6. I think the word is 'CODSWOLLOP'.

    I've heard religious and supperstitious people talking about this for decades. Perhaps they miss the point, and already have the mark of the beast on them.

    From comparing Daniel 7 and Revelation 12, 13, 17, it is quite clear that the beast is the Roman Empire, and all it's off-shoots, which includes both the Roman political and reglious systems.

    The mark of the beast is like the ancient mark by which they branded slaves, as pertaining ownership to a slavemaster, that is being part of that system, whom you serve. The existing relio-politico system has reigned since the 4th century, when the church made compact with the state under Constantine.

    All who look to a future 'anti-christ' and supposed barcode, chip or other such mark are already decieved, not understanding what they are saying, nor having any understanding what they are saying, neither whence it comes.

    The theory was developed by 'Ribbera' the Jesuit, when the protestant reformers clearly identified the 'catholic' church as being the anti-christ system, or woman who sits upon the 7 hills in Rev.17. It was a successful example of miss-direction, that the money making evangelical community have swallowed hook, line and sinker.

  7. But of course... in order to achieve an absolute control of mankind, one or more bio-microchip must be injected in each every one of us... under the false presumption that it is done for the good of us. "...ensure a healthier life for the user" my butt! Total and absolute control of the two legged sheep is the sole goal.
