Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Not Made in China will become a slogan all around the world Gerald Celente Predicts

Not Made in China will become a slogan all around the world Gerald Celente Predicts

China is now the world bigger exporter , replacing Germany and beating Japan  , Gerald Celente calls for a 'buy local' movement to boycott Chinese goods not because he is anti chinese but because as he said that as many people he does not want to be ruled by the chinese "Those who have the gold rule [and] a lot of people don't want to see China rule." 

He also said in other occasions that It is bad enough with the democrats and the republicans we do not want the Chinese too to rule us
"buy local" movement is going to pick up steam in the coming years - and not just in the U.S. "We're going to start seeing trade barriers go up more and more and more," Gerald Celente says. "It's not isolationism It is survivalism."
"You're going to see ‘Not Made in China' become a slogan around the world," Gerald Celente predicts.
Gerald Celente is also known as Dr Doom and the Nostradamus of Modern Times  , Gerald Celente is regarded as one of the foremost trend predictors in the world. This author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking, and publisher of The Trends Journal, is frequently a guest on television news and talk show programs. The New York Post said "if Nostradamus were alive today, he'd have a hard time keeping up with Gerald Celente."

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