Saturday, June 25, 2016

NIBIRU will shake EARTH by AUGUST, 2016 The ultimate DOCUMENTARY THE GIANT is Near! (pls circulate)

Very important news! Watch the ULTIMATE DOCUMENTARY about NIBIRU PLANET-X! BREAKING NEWS! RED ALERT!!! NIBIRU is near and will SHAKE the EARTH at August, 2016 with MEGATSUNAMIS and SUPERQUAKE!! Share... Share... this video must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, please share it! Because the Government Cover-up! Important: Before JUDGE, watch the whole video. NIBIRU APPROACH! MUST SEE!! URGENT VIDEO PUBLIC UTILITY!

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BREXIT Puts Elites In Panic

We are about to loss all of our freedoms on the internet. And I know who is behind it. Answer Clinton Obama Gates and the list is long. She wants not to hear the people but only hear her words We are being locked out of Freedom to Speak. If we do not Stop this madness coming from our Leader's we will never see this Country anymore they are trying to turn the USA into a Third world Country a waste land. I am a wake Washington and No More will you control any part of me. I do not stand for you anymore I stand for me,

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Ken O'Keefe - World Citizen Solution Update - June 25, 2016

Many people who have supported the world citizen solutions mission have eagerly awaited an update on the progress of the mission, this is Ken O'Keefe's response to them.

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Brexit: Aftermath | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

Has the sky fallen? Has gravity reversed itself? Has World War III started? Paul Joseph Watson joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the aftermath of the Brexit vote, the impact of the United Kingdom's European Union Referendum, the short term economic fallout, the possibility of a second referendum and much much more!

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Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money. Do you want to be informed with Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Ron Paul,Jim Willie, V Economist, and many specialists about global economic collapse, new world order, global reset, bitcoin, silver, gold, dollar collapse, agenda 21, oil price, financial crisis just follow us

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Peter Schiff Economic Collapse Not Only Possible But Inevitable In JUNE 2016

Peter Schiff is a well-known commentator appearing regularly on CNBC, TechTicker and FoxNews. He is often referred to as "Doctor Doom" because of his bearish outlook on the economy and the U.S. Dollar in particular. Peter was one of the first from within the professional investment field to call the housing market a bubble. Peter has written a book called "Crash Proof" and a follow-on called "The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets". He is the President of EuroPacific Capital, which is a brokerage specializing in finding dividend-yielding, value-based foreign stocks.

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Jim Willie Collapse Warning BREXIT Could DETONATE Deutsche Bank!

Jim Willie  CB Proprietor,
Editor, Hat Trick Letter

The man behind the name Jim Willie has experience in three important fields of statistical practice in the 23 years following completion of a PhD in Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. He spent time since 2001 in a private consulting firm in Pittsburgh, PA. His work included pharmaceutical and medical claim estimation, stratified sampling for consumer packaged goods market share, training seminars in advanced regression models, and consulting toward various other projects within the firm. In August of 2003, he became a low-cost solution at his firm, and since then has focused exclusively on the US and world economies, financial markets, currencies, and the commodity fields. Gold and energy have been a prime focus.

Jim spent five years at the corporate headquarters of Staples in suburban Boston in the last half of the 1990 decade. Work focused upon forecasting and sales analysis for their retail business, but also for the catalog and internet business. His retail floor labor scheduling program integrated several forecasts across the entire retail chain of over 1000 stores. Retail models, seasonality estimation, marketing effects, price elasticity analysis, all supported either the forecast process or profit margin enhancement. During his time at Staples, the company quadrupled in revenues and store count nationwide.

At Digital Equipment Corporation in suburban Boston, Jim worked for nine years in a unique zero-profit center within the company, one totally dedicated to marketing research on Digital products and the computer industry. Large strategic studies and smaller product studies were completed in the hundreds by a staff of 12. Strategic studies incorporated orthogonal fractional factorial designs, for evaluating various product feature combinations and industry directions. Product studies helped to enhance design and development. All datasets were analyzed exhaustively for useful information on perceptions, preferences, drivers, trends, usage, and demographics. However, extreme errors of judgment by senior executives resulted in the rapid decline in the company, departure of the best and brightest leaders, severe reduction in its workforce, and eventual acquisition by Compaq, then later by Hewlett Packard, which now manages his defined benefit pension. Sadly, many younger people have not even heard of the second largest computer mfg firm behind IBM in the 1980 and 1990 decades. HP took a large portion of Digital’s customer base.

Also at Digital, before the marketing research post, Jim worked for five years as a quality control consultant to the manufacturing organizations. He authored a DEC Engineering Specification which was integrated at all 28 mfg plants worldwide. It streamlined the stress testing of units from the assembly lines, with significant savings from reduced test time. Over a seven-year period, its implementation reduced mfg costs corporate-wide by between $250 and $300 million. Those were days of considerable fat in the US mfg arena, however. A few of his colleagues from Digital days remain trusted friends and analysts.


The Golden Jackass website is designed to inform and instruct in the complex ways of gold, currencies, bonds, interest rates, stocks, commodities, futures, derivatives and the world economy, with no respect shown for inept bankers and economists, whose policies and practices contribute toward the slow motion degradation, if not destruction, of the financial world.

The website provides an ongoing source of excellent articles written by other authors, who make significant contributions to the above mentioned topics, in addition to a collection of news briefs filled with critical data. A minimum of tools are also made available for monitoring charts of important series, such as the USDollar, gold, the CRB index, and the US$ money supply.

For those who wish to pursue a deeper course, with monthly commentary and essays, highlighted by strategic forecasts, combined with potentially profitable mining and energy stock selections, subscription to the HAT TRICK LETTER is offered to members at the cost of a low recurring fee.

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Friday, June 24, 2016

Thw NWO failed with BREXIT -- Mike Rivero

What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Friday 6/24/16: (Commercial Free Video)

-- Date: June 24, 2016 -- Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

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The British public are overwhelmingly more interested in finding out about leaving the European Union (EU) than remaining within it, data from Google has shown, with immigration being the most searched referendum-related topic

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BYE BYE BABYLON!Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder shaped like a huge Mill Stone, and threw it into The Atlantic Ocean, and cried mightily with a loud voice saying!! Just as I have thrown away this stone, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down with violence, and shall never be found again!!! The Book Of Revelation, Chapter 18 verse 21

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BREAKING Trump agrees BREXIT to close open borders European Union NWO June 24 2016 News

Breaking Citizens of UK England Voted leaving NWO NEW WORLD ORDER Globalization European Union June 24 2016 News - The European Union in the New World Order

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Paul Craig Roberts -- If EU breaks Up , Nato could be next to break up

Brexit could prevent WWIII
Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) could probably prevent the United States from launching World War III to establish control over the entire world, says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, an American economist and author.

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David Icke on #Brexit

David Icke Welcomes Historic Referendum Decision But Warns There's Still Work To Be Done

David Icke is one of the most visible outspoken and controversial speakers and writers about the Illuminati and the New World Order control agenda
Some David Icke Quotes :
A gift of truth is the gift of love.
David Icke

David Icke
David Icke
And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history.

David Icke

Have you ever wondered what your subconscious mind looks like? Well today, I can show you.
David Icke

I am a channel for the Christ spirit. The title was given to me very recently by the Godhead.
David Icke

I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it.
David Icke

I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.
David Icke

I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same infinite consciousness that we call God and Creation.
David Icke

In the Atlantean period there were many energies being used and information and knowledge being used which were, for particular reasons of safety, withdrawn, shall we say, to prevent complete catastrophe, to prevent total destruction of your planet.
David Icke

Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.
David Icke

One of my very greatest fears as a child was being ridiculed in public. And there it was coming true. As a television presenter, I'd been respected. People come up to you in the street and shake your hand and talk to you in a respectful way.
David Icke

So reports of my madness, as they say, were greatly exaggerated. Not that I give a bugger either way.
David Icke

The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.
David Icke

The Earth needs rebels!
David Icke

The reason most people don't express their individuality and actually deny it, is not fear of what prime ministers think of us or the head of the federal reserve, It's what their families and their friends down at the bar are going to think of them.
David Icke

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground.
David Icke

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#Brexit Impact on The Global Markets

Brexit sends economic shockwaves across the pond
In the wake of the historic referendum in the United Kingdom, world financial markets went into a tailspin. European, Asian and American stock markets all fell precipitously the morning after the British voted to leave the European Union. Will the economic reverberations from Brexit be a long term problem? ‘Boom Bust’ co-host Edward Harrison tells RT’s Bill Dodd and RT America’s Ed Schultz that he believes this is a “one time market adjustment” and that markets will rebound.

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The People Voted To Exit The EU, Now The Central Bankers Will Attack

Durable Goods implode and it the worst the country has seen.Goods shipped around the country is continually declining which supports the declining economic indicators such as, retail,GDP and employment.UK voted to leave the EUR, David Cameron resigns. Many other EU nations are calling for the same type of referendum to leave the EU. Soft capital controls were put into effect in the UK. Markets are down and gold is up. More countries are now moving into the dollar. TTIP is now in trouble because the BREXIT.The EU, the EU nations and the UK Parliament still need to approve the exit. Now the corporate media and the central banks are talking recession or maybe even a depression. US and the moderate rebels are making the case that Russia is using incendiary weapons, pure propaganda. Russia pushing the UNSC to make Turkey respect Syria's sovereignty.The IS is pushing the idea that the EU is in chaos and now they will wage their attacks.

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Documentary on Annunaki Theory: Were We Genetically Engineered?

This is a documentary style show. This episode discusses some of Zecharia Sitchin's interpretations of the Sumerian cylinders. We delve further into information about Nibiru, Annunaki Sumerians and Man's re-discovery of the ancient knowledge. Knowledge known by the Sumerians, that has been lost over time. One of the few scholars ever able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets(purportedly the only one who was not religiously devout), was Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010). He based his bestselling The 12th Planet on texts from the ancient civilizations of the Near East. His controversial assertions on the Anunnaki initiating the origins of humanity...have been translated into more than 20 languages worldwide.

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Leak! U.S Veteran SOLDIER exposes the TRUTH about NWO Martial Law and Illuminati GOV PLAN (2016)

Pray for Orlando! This former US Marine Soldier exposes the Truth! All american people need to see this; MARTIAL LAW and FEMA CAMPS are coming in 2016!! Let's Share... Share... this video must be shared with max number of people! make your part now, please share it! Because the Government Cover-up! Important: Before JUDGE, watch the whole video. MARTIAL LAW EMINENT APPROACH! MUST SEE!! URGENT VIDEO PUBLIC UTILITY! FEMA CAMPS IS REAL!! OBAMA IS LEAKED!

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Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday 6/24/16: BREXIT Win & Roger Stone

-- Date: June 24, 2016 -- Today on The Alex Jones Show On this Friday, June 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the globalists’ largest defeat in decades: Brexit. UK voters chose to leave the unelected superstate known as the EU in a historic referendum on Thursday, but they need to realize that Brexit presents an opportunity rather than a victory; they must keep pushing back against the technocrats. The globalists will continue to use monetary policy - not political - to enslave nation-states. On today’s show Trump insider Roger Stone talks Brexit and the recent victory over the City of Cleveland's attempts to censor pro-Trump groups. Also, Steve Pieczenik discusses how the technocrats will attempt to socially engineer the population after Brexit. Tune in!

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Brexit 2016! What's The BIGGER Agenda?

Brexit 2016! United Kingdom Leaves The European Union! What This Means For YOU!

Time’s Almost Up! On Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, in an European referendum, the United Kingdom voted on whether or not to remain in the European Union. The results were as follows: 51.9% voted to leave, while the other 48.1% voted to remain, in a 72% turnout. At least, this is what they’re telling us… Such a referendum has placed the world on edge! Due to this historic vote, Prime Minister David Cameron has decided to resign, and will follow the necessary resignation guidelines according to the Lisbon Treaty Article 50 — while many reports suggest Boris Johnson to be the fill-in candidate. But you may be wondering: How does all of this affect YOU?!?! Here’s what you can expect following this decision: - Worldwide economies and currencies to plummet… as we’re already seeing with the British Pound, which has hit its lowest since 1985 — a 31-year low - Stock markets plunging… The Dow has already dropped more than 400 points as of the morning of Friday, June 24th, 2016 - Price of oil, gas, electric, and living to destabilize… In fact, the price of crude oil has already dropped 4% - Staged political and economic downturn… as we’re already starting to see What's The BIGGER Agenda? Is That ALL?!?! THE TRUTH REVEALED!!! SEE THE WARNING SIGNS AHEAD OF TIME! AND PREPARE ACCORDINGLY! PLEASE SEEK YAHUAH AND HIS TRUE SON YAHUSHA — THAT WAY YOU WILL BE READY TO STAND IN THAT EVIL DAY!!!!!!!

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WARNING #BREXIT to Collapse Eurozone

Think this is what they want? They deliberately overwhelmed the system with the immigrants around the world. I think that was our signal that they are ready. Hang on!

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Central Banks commit Billions handle with Brexit fallout

Panic gripped the world’s financial markets following the UK decision to leave the EU: European and US futures tumbled and Asian stocks took the biggest loss in almost five years. The British pound also went into free-fall, reaching a record 30-year low. RT’s financial hotshots Max Keiser of the Keiser Report and Boom Bust’s Edward Harrison help make sense of the Brexit fallout.

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#Brexit Stuns the World

Yesterday, England – once again – has struck a blow for freedom – not just for herself, but for all peoples, everywhere and throughout time. In the most important vote in European history, Britain has decided to return to being a sovereign, self-governing nation for the first time in 43 years. An astounding 71.8% of UK voters cast ballots yesterday, and in the end, voted to leave the European Union by a 52 to 48 margin. Prime Minister David Cameron says he will resign before October. The British Pound fell precipitously against the US Dollar, plunging to a 30-year low of $1.32 in a little over 2 hours as it became apparent that all the pollsters were radically wrong and - in essence - Google Analytics was right at predicting the Brexit outcome. But no, it won’t be the disaster all the MSM predicted. The Pound is already bouncing back and it will continue to do so in coming weeks. Although we hate to wish anyone ill, George Soros may have given back much of the billion dollars he won shorting the British Pound previously. Here is the action in real time as the New York Stock Exchanged opened this morning. Within a couple of minutes, it dropped 500 points. However, the first circuit breaker doesn’t even kick in unless the market drops 7% or 1260 points. UKIP party leader, Nigel Farage, who mistakenly declared defeat shortly after the British polls closed at 10 pm, is now rightly calling for June 23, 2016 to be declared a British national bank holiday and have it formally declared British Independence Day. We agree wholeheartedly, and although Donald Trump’s sweeping victories in the US Presidential nomination process were a vital part of the worldwide populist revolt against rampaging globalism, it was Britain which was the first nation to make a clear national break to freedom. How perfectly fitting that within a fortnight, we can heretoforeverafter celebrate both the British and America’s Independence Day. Perhaps someday soon, France can join the party. Afterall, all three nations fly a red, white and blue flag celebrating their national identities. In France, National Front leader Marine Le Pen has called for a “Frexit” vote so that France can vote on exiting the EU. A similar push towards freedom can be expected in Italy, and many other current EU members. This morning, as dawn broke over Scotland, Donald Trump stepped from his helicopter and told the assembled MSM that under a Trump administration, Britain would no longer have to go to President Obama’s timeout place - the back of the line - but would move to the front of the line once again. God save the Queen. God save Britannia. God bless the USA. Let freedom ring. I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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CANADIANS PANIC as Food Prices SKY ROCKET On Collapsing Currency !

Food Prices Soar as the Canadian Dollar Collapses
And NO, it's not just Nunavut: it from coast to coast. Think your grocery bill is high? Canadians paying $3 cucumbers, $8 cauliflower, and $15 Frosted Flakes. We are watching a Real Time Currency Collapse In Canada – Is This Is What It’s Going To Look Like In the USA?

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BREXIT SPECIAL REPORT: A Glimmer Of Hope For The World. By Gregory Mannarino

Trading involves risk and you could lose your entire investment. You and you alone are responsible for your own investment decisions and any consequences thereof. Please invest wisely.

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Ann Barnhardt - The Economy Is Going To Implode Full Version

Every generation produces a special and unique voice. A voice crying in the wilderness. A voice telling us what we can already sense, what we can feel, but do not understand. Ann Barnhardt is that women. Self-proclaimed 'Seriously Pissed Off Roman Catholic', Ann's open, honest, and direct presentation is a masterpiece outlining the world's impending economic Armageddon.

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Congratulations, Britain chooses Freedom over Fear

Congratulations, Britain.

Britain chooses Freedom over Fear

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BREXIT signals CHAOS to bring in New WORLD Order???

#BREXIT signals CHAOS to bring in New WORLD Order???

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BREXIT !! • GREAT BRITAIN • British Reactions & Donald Trump !! • BREXIT

BREXIT !! • GREAT BRITAIN • British Reactions & Donald Trump !! • BREXIT

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Gerald Celente -- China on Spending Spree. America On Bombing Mission

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News-"China on Spending Spree. America On Bombing Mission"- (6/14/16)

"According to the latest poll most UK voters will opt to leave the European Union, “China’s central banks have burnt through nearly a half trillion dollars in foreign reserves since August” & “Obama eases restrictions in Afghanistan for American forces fighting the Taliban”. Original release: June 14th, 2016.

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#Britain is leaving the #EU. Here's what that means. is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines

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TRUMP in SCOTLAND on #BREXIT VOTE - Praises Brexit Vote to 'Take Back Control'

TRUMP in SCOTLAND on BREXIT VOTE - Praises Brexit Vote to 'Take Back Control' Donald Trump has hailed Britain’s decision to leave the EU as a “great victory”, attributing the result to immigration and drawing parallels with opposition to what he described as the “global elite” in the US and elsewhere around the world. The presumptive Republican nominee for president said he had not only backed Brexit but successfully predicted the result, unlike Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and even David Cameron. Presidential hopeful says Britons exercised ‘sacred right’ to independence on visit to his Turnberry golf resort Governor Mark Carney says the BoE has ‘extensive contingency plans’ to handle Britain’s decision to leave the EU, as shares slide across the globe ECB: We’ll provide liquidity if needed Mark Carney promises action if needed FTSE 100 tumbles at the open, but has recovered a little Pound plunges to $1.33 in huge selloff The Brexit vote is already causing problems for some holidaymakers in Greece, according to this tweet from the island of Kos. Hot on the heels of the Bank of England, the European Central Bank has promised to provide extra liquidity to protect the financial world. In a brief statement, the ECB said it was closely monitoring financial markets and is in close contact with other central banks. Central banks are expected to use ‘swap lines’ to share currency with each other so that, for example, a British bank isn’t short of euros. Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street, he said he would attempt to "steady the ship" over the coming weeks and months but that "fresh leadership" was needed. The PM had urged the country to vote Remain but was defeated by 52% to 48% despite London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backing staying in. UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day". The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the markets reacted to the results. "The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected," said Mr Cameron. "The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered." project fear The Leave campaign argued during a bitter four-month referendum campaign that the only way Britain could "take back control" of its own affairs would be to leave the EU. BREXIT UK "United Kingdom" Europe "Vote Leave" "Vote Remain" Euro GBP "European Union" Bank Banking "Bank Account" Savings Asset "Savings Account" Debt Loan Funds Funding "Binary Options" Gold Silver Bullion "Gold Bullion" British England People Quit Leader Leadership economy jobs employment forex "Forex Trading" Shock "We the people" Leave London "London England" Historic History future 2016 2017 news media entertainment "Elite NWO Agenda" Support The PM says he fought "head, heart and soul" but that Britain now needs a new leader to oversee negotiations to leave the EU. Cameron Resigns After UK Votes To Leave EU The British people have voted to leave the European Union after a historic referendum in which they rejected the advice of the main Westminster party leaders and instead took a plunge into the political unknown. Results from across the country suggesting the Brexit camp were on the brink of declaring a referendum victory saw sterling down 10% against the dollar The value of sterling slumped to a 31-year low on currency markets and was on course for its biggest one-day loss in history as panicking investors contemplated the prospect of a vote to leave the European Union. Live Bank of England promises £250bn to calm markets after Brexit vote - live updates Governor Mark Carney says the BoE has ‘extensive contingency plans’ to handle Britain’s decision to leave the EU, as shares slide across the globe Read more Results from across the country suggesting the Brexit camp was on the brink of declaring a referendum victory led to sterling reversing initial gains to leave the pound down more than 10% at $1.33, compared with $1.50 just after polling stations closed. That was the lowest since 1985. The pound was down more than 7% against the euro. The FTSE's slump was its biggest one-day fall since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in October 2008.

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Who has the most to lose from #Brexit ?

The debate over whether or not Britain should leave the EU has been divisive and damaging. Sterling and stocks have been battered by uncertainty over how the British people will vote. Where do businesses stand? Who would be hardest hit outside the UK by a Brexit? And is Norway or Switzerland a feasible model for the UK, which is a much bigger economy?

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France: Le Pen calls for French EU referendum after Brexit victory

Leader of the French National Front party Marie Le Pen called for a referendum in her own country on France’s EU membership following the results of the Brexit victory in the UK, making the comments during a press conference at the party’s HQ in Paris, Thursday. She stated that despite that the suggestion that British trade opportunities in Europe would be damaged by Brexit, she insisted that Britain would be able to continue to trade with the Europe even more effectively. SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “That what no one could think only a few months ago, is now a reality that is imposed on all of us. Yes, you can leave the European Union!" SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “Everyone will soon see that lies won't stand in front of the truth. The United Kingdom will continue to trade and exchange with the countries of Europe but it will be even more effective than before its independence!" SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “Clairvoyance which we have shown, sensing the strong inspiration of British people for freedom, aspiration shared by the overwhelming majority of peoples in Europe, gives us an additional legitimacy to carry this same debate in France." SOT, Marine Le Pen, Leader of the Front National (French): “The referendum on the membership of France being in the European Union is a democratic necessity. The French should also be able to choose this path of freedom which will give France back its full responsibility. If I am given the responsibility, this political commitment that we were talking about long before the idea of a refendum in the UK, will take the form of a referendum to be held after a six month negotiation with the European Commission to recover our four fundamental sovereignties; monetary, fiscal, economic, territorial and legislation. Inevitably, if negotiations are successful or if the French people decide to go out, a new Europe will emerge: a Europe of nations!"

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This Could Finally Lead To Hillary Clinton In Jail

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the breaking news of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and hack on the DNC. This new information reads like it was out of a spy novel but the reality of the facts show a grim political reality for the presumptive democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

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The EU will break up within five years predicts experts, huge win against the new world order....

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Gerald Celente Trends In The News Netanyahu Goes Nuts!

About Gerald Celente : Founder of The Trends Research Institute in 1980, Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist. He is author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and Trend Tracking: The System to Profit from Today's Trends (Warner Books). Gerald Celente's on-time trend forecasts, vibrant style, articulate delivery and vivid public presence makes him a favorite of major media.

Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente

The world's only trends analyst covering 300 diversified trends fields, Gerald Celente and The Trends Research Institute provide trend research studies and consulting services to businesses and governments worldwide. Celente also designed the nation’s first professional course in trend forecasting. In addition to providing specialized trend research services,
Mr. Celente is called upon by businesses, governments and associations to deliver keynote addresses and seminar presentations worldwide. Gerald Celente is recognized by the major media as the truth in trends.

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Trump on #Brexit : What happened in U.K. will happen more

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump weighs in on the British exit vote.

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Brexit marks End of E.U. & Encourages COPYCATS in Other EU States

Lights out over Europe as Brexit marks End of the European Union Encourages COPYCATS in Other EU member states.

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

World War 3 Warning and America 2016 - 2017 Something Strange Is Happening

the sooner the US dollar crashes and the criminal regime that controls the countries of the UK and US are toppled the better off the world will be... This is not a condemnation of the general populous as they typically oppose what the regimes are doing but are powerless to do anything.

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Nigel Farage - Brexit Defeated – But Maybe Not

Despite positive exit polling results sent to us an hour before the polls closed in Britain, according to the Daily Mail, UKIP leader Nigel Farage conceded defeat within seconds of the polls closing in Britain’s crucial Brexit vote. Farage said he believed that the Remain side would edge the contest. “It's been an extraordinary referendum campaign, turnout looks to be exceptionally high and looks like Remain will edge it. Ukip and I are going nowhere and the party will only continue to grow stronger in the future.” Two late polls were released today. The YouGov poll showed Remain with 52% and Leave with 48%. The Ipsos-Mori poll showed Remain with 54% and Leave with 46%. However, not all Leave folks agree with Farage. At this hour – midnight, London time - Senior Leave campaigner Ian Duncan Smith - the former work and pensions secretary - told the BBC says: “I never quite follow what Nigel Farage says. I genuinely do not have a sense of how this has gone.” Brendan Chilton, general secretary of Labour Leave, said: “Nigel may have said that but until the votes are counted we don't really know what's happened. “It's a bit concerning if that is the case. I obviously hope we have won.” Mr. Chilton said his gut feeling at 10pm was that Leave would squeak out a win. He added: “Even if we don't win, if it's close, that is a magnificent achievement.” This is a breaking update at 01:00 hours London time, 20:00 hours Eastern. The first substantial results have just come in from Sunderland. Leave was expected to win by a 53.4% margin – it won by a 61.3% margin. As a result, according to the Wall Street Journal, the British Pound is in free fall – down nearly 3 % in minutes as the Tories have a sudden fear attack that Brexit may yet pass. I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good day

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Brexit has sparked calls for EU Referendums all across Europe -- Mike Rivero

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero: Thursday (6-23-16)

We Will see EU Referendums all over Europe -- Mike Rivero

-- Date: June 23, 2016 -- Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

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LIVE: UK’s EU referendum - Count and local result announcement in Havering

Ruptly will be LIVE from Havering, in north east London, on Thursday, June 23, as vote counting for the referendum on the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the European Union gets underway. The local result is expected to be announced around 03:00 GMT. The Havering Council already voted locally, in January, to support the UK leaving the EU – making it Britain's first council to back the 'out' campaign.

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Global Elite Resort to Voter Fraud to Prevent Brexit

Paul Joseph Watson discusses BREXIT and how the elite are desperately trying to hold on to Britain.

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Britain First -- Jayda Fransen and activists confront MIGRANTS in Midlands!

Deputy leader Jayda Fransen and a group of Midlands activists discovered an illegal migrant dwelling in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. The police arrived to discover a female migrant had been locked into a tent next to the station. Jayda and our activists then discovered more evidence of migrant dwellings in the bushes close by. A male migrant, partner of the female locked in the tent, then arrived but tried to flee the scene.

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Brexit Leave campaign party | FT World

360˚ LIVE: Brexit Leave campaign party | FT World
Nigel Farage is expected to greet Leave campaign supporters at the Leave.EU party in London's Millbank Tower as Brexit voting closes and supporters find out the results of YouGov's "on-the-day" opinion survey.

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WW3 Summer 2016: Final War

Why do the USA have to cause so much trouble? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Lebanon, Iran, Syria etc etc etc, these Countries are on the other side of the planet to the USA, not on their border, it is non of the USA business how those Countries want to live their lives.

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Coast To Coast AM - June 22, 2016 Remote Viewing Discoveries & Money Talk

Coast To Coast AM - June 22, 2016 Remote Viewing Discoveries & Money Talk Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts spoke with George about good financial planning and the world economy. Commenting on the current state of affairs with the UK possibly leaving the European Union, she thinks that it might cause other countries to leave, which could destabilize some markets, and affect the U.S., because of the financial connections between many European companies and their counterparts in America. She believes that Germany and Britain are the best able to stand on their own outside of the Union. The moves would be beneficial to some (such as currency speculators) and not so much for others -------------------------- Part two guest Robert Morningstar checked in to discuss his experiences in remote viewing (RV), lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel. Morningstar teaches classes in all three disciplines at the Edgar Cayce institute in New York City. He believes that remote viewing is "a survival function of the human race" and that "science has denied and shut it down." One of the books used in his teaching is Penetration by the "father of remote viewing" - the late Ingo Swann. Swann famously RVed some sort of alien structures on the far side of the Moon, and Morningstar tasked a few of his advanced RV students to look there as well. They also said that they detected evidence of an operation there by non-human entities, which is ongoing. Coast To Coast AM - June 22, 2016 Remote Viewing Discoveries & Money Talk

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#Brexit UK’s Independence Day

Rick Wiles: Bring down Brussels, Brexit UK’s Independence Day Will the British people vote to leave the tyrannical clutches of the EU, and claim their own Independence Day? On the June 22nd edition of TRUNEWS, host Rick Wiles addressed the sheer magnitude and significance of the Thursday, June 23rd Brexit referendum; one which may not only result in a English exit from the Eurozone project, but also mean the end of Brussels itself.

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#EU vs. #Brexit - Why Remaining Will Continue To Spell Disaster For #Europe

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the EU vs. Brexit and how leaving the European Union will make those living within the EU more sovereign while the EU has decimated business and the economy not to mention civil liberties. As the EU proponents are using the murder of British MP Jo Cox to pull people's heartstrings, people like Jacob de Rothschild and George Soros are trying to convince people to vote remain. It surely is an excellent example of how capitalism isn't the problem as capitalism must be free of government coercion and control, manipulation and monopolization to truly be capitalism. As big corporations promote staying in the EU, it shows how much these giant monopolies depend on the hand of government. A truly free market would never allow the kind of monopolies that serve businesses like Walmart and McDonald's. People too often mix up capitalism with corporatism or corporate fascism. The fact that so many of these massive corporations are begging the people to vote remain proves this point quite well. The globalist banksters are big proponents of the EU and of course the EU is simply a step towards the new world order we hear these elitist scumbags talking about so often. Of course in North America with NAFTA and the push for a North American Union, even talks about an AMERO, this is a global push and anything we can do to lessen the push towards this globally coercive system means more prosperity for us as individuals. Let's understand the problems and make the fixed. First we must inform and once we inform we build a web and that web will continue to grow as the information is passed on and eventually we will be far too powerful to coerce into servitude. Unfortunately, where it stands today, the public isn't aware enough and for that reason, the banksters and globalists will likely win this battle and the EU will continue to use people as pawns for the sake of the king and queen. We will continue to report on this as it further unfolds.

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Blog Archive

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Henry Kissinger

once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger

“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger

"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?


“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941

Taxing People is Punishing Success

There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki

The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid

Stefan Molyneux

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus

The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros

"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.

This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.

By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."

USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924

Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money

Taxation is legalized Theft

"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker

Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....

Bob Dylan

"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich

There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle

litical Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon

The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow

When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !


Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake

The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

Albert Einstein

In The Left Nothing is Right & in The Right nothing is Left

No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please

Freedom is not Free

Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition

Ron Paul

"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff

You can love your Country and not your Government

Jesse Ventura

" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck

"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones

"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "

Ronald Reagan

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato

The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo

"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN

"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN

"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN

"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."

Serial Killer Richard Ramirez

There is a Class War going on in America, & unfortunately, my class is winning." Warren Buffet

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson

"College is a waste of Money"
Albert Einstein

Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki

Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki

" ‏Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson

“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

"Aspire not to have More but to be More "

The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki ‏

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford

What You Own Owns You

If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell

Be The Change you want to see in The World

Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki ‏

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN