Saturday, July 4, 2015

RON PAUL WARNING TO AMERICA - U.S. on the Brink of Collapse

The controlled media tells us that it is a symptom of corporate greed and an accidental occurrence. The truth is that recently released central bank cartel documents show that the entire global financial melt-down in a purposefully engineered consolidation. The following is a transcript of an interview with award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast in which Palast blows the IMF World Bank program of slavery wide open. Because of the debt inflation pit they’ve created. GP: Yes, well, see one of the things that happened is that – we’ve got examples from, I’ve got inside documents recently from Argentina, the secret Argentine plan. This is signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank. By the way, just so you know, they are really upset with me that I’ve got the documents,

It’s not too difficult to understand that we are well on our way to a paradigm shift in America; in fact we’re in the midst of it right now. The writing is on the wall and can no longer be ignored. The US government has run up trillions of dollars in debt, and given the recent debates over the country’s debt ceiling, we can rest assured that neither Congress or the President will act to curtail spending and balance the budget. We will continue adding trillions of dollars to the national debt clock until such time that our creditors no longer lend us money.

On Main Street, average Americans have seen their wealth decimated. They’ve lost millions of jobs and homes over the course of the last five years. And if recent reports are any indication, the destruction of the middle class will continue unabated for years to come. The resulting effect is a vicious negative feedback loop that continues to build upon itself. Americans no longer have money (or credit) to spend to prop up the economy, thus more jobs will be lost, leading to more people requiring government assistance for everything from food to shelter. Indications are that the second quarter 2015 will also have negative GDP growth, that is, a further decline. As John Williams ( is likely correct that there has been no recovery from the prior recession, just bottom bouncing with stock and bond markets driven by the Fed’s outpouring of liquidity, the first half of 2015 will signal a second downturn in the US economy which is collapsing as a result of jobs offshoring and a deregulated financial system. anonymous self sufficient country boy can survive depression global reset Travel Restrictions. This will begin with restrictions on foreign travel, including suspension/removal of passports. (This has begun in a small way in both the EU and US.) Later, travel restrictions will be extended within the boundaries of countries (highway checkpoints, etc.) texas gold germany federal reserve Confiscation of wealth. The EU has instituted the confiscation of bank accounts, which can be expected to become an international form of governmental theft. This does not automatically mean that other assets, such as precious metals and real estate will also be confiscated

It’s crunch time for Greece as IMF debt looms and bailout ends.

Puerto Rico announced it’s about to suffer the same fate and a new chart shows the U.S. is on the same debt path. revolution liberty China has been quietly stockpiling gold for years now. In fact, it is stockpiling so much gold that many have speculated that it may be building a gold-backed yuan currency that would make the Dollar pale in comparison on the global market. election 2016 hillary clinton donald trump In terms of buying stores of goods to live on… canned goods, toilet paper, bottled water… the disruptions to the system here early on could be just as bad as an earthquake in terms of shutting down electricity so you can’t pump gasoline, or getting distribution channels disrupted to grocery stores so that you can’t get food California anticipating a potential earthquake.

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Peter Schiff: Greek Style Collapse Could Hit U.S. Next!

 On today's show, financial analyst and author Peter Schiff discusses the Greek collapse, Puerto Rico's faltering economy and how America's monetary policies may one day put us on the same path.

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Webster Tarpley - a few words about The Confederate Flag

Webster Tarpley is an American historian, economist, journalist, lecturer and a critic of U.S. foreign and domestic policy.

He received a BA degree summa cum laude in English and Italian from Princeton University in 1966. While a student at Princeton he became a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and was a Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin in Italy. Tarpley also obtained a MA degree in humanities from Skidmore College, as well as a PhD from the Catholic University of America in History.

As a European based journalist in the 1980s, Tarpley wrote a study on the assassination of Prime Minister Aldo Moro. The study claimed that the murder was a false flag operation orchestrated by Propaganda Due (a Masonic Lodge) with the cooperation of senior members of the Italian government secret services that was blamed on the Red Brigades.

As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read.

During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History Against Oligarchy. He is currently completing a study of Pearl Harbor as an episode in Wall Street's war against President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal, and FDR's economic bill of rights. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish

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Max Keiser : Greece pivoting from Debt Slavery

 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the Greek referendum, the 50 ways to not pay their creditors and the future for the “demerging” economy in which debts are repaid “parametrically.” In the second half, Max interviews Simon Dixon about what Bitcoin could do for Greece and whether or not, as Citi’s global chief economist says, it is the stupidest idea since Caligula made his horse a consul.

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Greek Crisis Is Only The Beginning -- Alex Jones

The financial crisis in Greece reaches mythological proportions, as the Greek bank fails to reach an agreement with international monetary loan sharks. Economist Martin Armstrong is also warning global power brokers may attempt to rig the referendum on whether to accept a bailout deal. The war on terror industry is also launching their annual Fourth of July speculative terror threat assessment, telling Americans to steer clear of Independence Day celebrations and “remain vigilant.” On today's show, financial analyst and author Peter Schiff discusses the Greek collapse, Puerto Rico's faltering economy and how America's monetary policies may one day put us on the same path. We'll also take your calls during this global transmission.

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URGENT: Radiation Leaking Czech Republic

 Urgent reports coming out of the Czech Republic show that 2 Nuclear Leaks have taken place

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Friday, July 3, 2015

EXPOSED: The great deception of the mainstream "truth movement".What David Icke DOESN'T tell you!

REAL TRUTH: What David Icke DOESN'T tell you! (R$E)
'All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.' [John 10 v 8]

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Gerald Celente -- "Supreme Court Ruling: “Poison The People”

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Supreme Court Ruling: “Poison The People”. - (6/30/15)
“Shanghai stocks surge 5.5% in biggest day since 2009”, Greece calls a bank holiday & the US Supreme Court rules against cutting mercury emissions from power plants. Poisons are good for you I say!"

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Greece Referendum: A coming Coup? - Joaquin

Greece: Meaningful Economic Reforms Could Come Through BRICS and Russia?

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Roswell's Legacy with Denice Marcel

 Conflict Radio - July 3, 2015 Roswell's Legacy with Denice Marcel

Denice Marcel is the granddaughter of Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer at the Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 who was the first person from the military to handle the debris found in the desert outside of Roswell which some believe was an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Denice's father, Jesse Marcel Jr., also handled some of the material, and both Jesse Sr. and Jesse Jr. say that the materials were not merely from weather or test balloons. They both believe the material was not manufactured on this planet.

Denice grew up with the Roswell mystery and has been interested in the topic of UFOs her entire life. She has recently accepted the position as the California Mutual UFO Network's Los Angeles section director. We talk to Denice about what it was like growing up in the Marcel family and her new position with MUFONunidento

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MATT DAMON on U.S. SCHOOL SYSTEM - Public Schools Are Rapidly Turning into Indoctrination Centers

 The busybodies in Michigan have proposed a new bill directed at children who are homeschooled, which will require two annual home inspections and official state registration. children registered. As a result, thousands of decent and caring homeschool parents may soon be forced to allow an inspection of their family or be in violation of the law. The British government is urging school leaders to use their “common law powers” to search student lunches and potentially confiscate any items they deem “unhealthy or inappropriate.” Jim Carrey is speaking out against new legislation requiring all public school children in California to be vaccinated starting in 2016.

children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are being “educated” in public schools that are rapidly being turned into indoctrination centers and prison camps. All over America, school children are being immersed in the radical green agenda. environmentally unfriendly . All over America, students are being taught that the First Amendment does not apply in public schools. free speech in school are often cracked down upon very hard. For example, one group of high school athletes was recently suspended for “Tebowing” in the hallways of their school.

Putting kids in jail has become standard operating procedure in the United States. Today, nearly one-third of all Americans are arrested by police by the time they reach the age of 23. United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population on the entire globe, and yet our society U.S. schools, RFID chips are now being used to monitor the attendance and movements of children while they are at school "matt damon" school passion learn learning study student parent teacher "university degree" u.s. "united states" quality test exam teaching studying "home schooling" "international school" success speech free class "back to school" lesson knowledge "high school" college degree "student loan" funding "next generation" job talent education message media entertainment trends trendy movie tv debt corporate love relationship emotion support "elite nwo agenda" alex jones infowars gerald celente david icke louis farrakhan we are change we the people agenda 21 matrix end game cctv big brother puppet master george soros fema camp
misbehavior at many U.S. schools are being treated as very serious crimes. A teenager in suburban Dallas was recently forced to take on a part-time job after being ticketed for using bad language in one high school classroom. Our children are being programmed to accept the fact that they will be watched and monitored constantly. surveillance cameras in the cafeterias of public schools all across the nation so that government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating. U.S. schools, armed cops accompanied by police dogs actually conduct surprise raids with their guns drawn The U.S. government is now encouraging children to spy on their parents

Americans are now living in a society that in some cases is more draconian, more invasive and more Orwellian than the dystopian tyranny fictionalized in Orwell’s chilling classic Nineteen Eighty-Four. pervasive and high-tech surveillance than anything Winston Smith ever faced. Compare life in Oceania to life in 2011 America, with quotes from George Orwell’s 1984

super rich have been busy securing property in safe heavens for at least five years in anticipation of the next financial collapse. prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction. Dead elites are planning to live on in cyberspace by uploading their cloned brains to computer systems which will eventually take the form of artificially intelligent robots. Did you see Katy Perry’s performance at the Grammys? It was essentially an Illuminati-themed occult ritual. Various media reports say that Perry “dressed up as a witch”, and her performance included a Knights Templar cross emblazoned across her chest, a beast with Moloch horns, dancers in dark robes with devil horns protruding from their heads, and pole dancing with a broom. famous novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, it was the year 1949, and it told a dark story of what he envisioned life may be like in the future-in the year 1984. His book synonymous with privacy concerns involving technology and also an all-powerful, oppressive ruling elite that strictly governs the activities of the population with an iron fist.

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Predicting impacts of dollar collapse based on Greece implosion

Greek banks down to €500m in cash reserves as economy crashes
The daily allowance of cash from many ATM machines has already dropped from €60 to €50, purportedly because €20 notes are running out

Greece is sliding into a full-blown national crisis as the final cash reserves of the banking system evaporate by the hour and swathes of industry start to shut down, precipitating the near disintegration of the ruling coalition.

Business leaders have been locked in talks with the Bank of Greece, pleading for the immediate release of emergency liquidity funds (ELA) to cover food imports and pharmaceutical goods before the tourist sector hits a brick wall.

Officials say the central bank will release the funds as soon as Friday, but this is a stop-gap measure at best. "We are on a war footing in this country," said Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister.

• Greece needs another €50bn and massive debt relief, admits IMF

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Tracking Technology & AC/DC -- Coast To Coast AM - July 2, 2015

Coast To Coast AM - July 2, 2015 Tracking Technology & AC/DC

In the first half of the program, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht reported on tracking technology such as the RFID chip. Recently, there was an announcement by a corporate executive from Target that they're planning to stealthily put RFID tags (tracking chips) on individual store items. Their plan is to introduce the technology at just 12 stores, before rolling out to the entire chain, she cited. What that means is that individual shelves at Target will become RFID readers, she warned, and the problem with that is not only will the shelf be emitting constant electromagnetic radiation, but it can also read your enhanced driver license right through your pocket and glean information about you.

She criticized invasive technologies such as the Google Voice program which listens to everything you say, ostensibly for when you pose a question to it, as well as some Samsung smart TVs that have built-in microphones which can transmit information to third parties. Albrecht connected the rise of the smart watch, and future wearable technologies with 'end times' biblical prophecy related to the Mark of the Beast. She also shared an update about her battle with breast cancer (she is currently in remission), and the dangers of holding cell phones close to your ear/head.


In the latter half, author, rock journalist, and paranormal researcher, Susan Masino, discussed the ups, downs, and fantastic stories of the multifaceted rock band AC/DC. She outlined the band's roots in Australia, their rise to fame in the 1970s, their enormous staying power over the decades, and the darker side of their history. Brothers Angus and Malcolm Young have been in the group since the beginning, and their older brother George, who was a member of the popular 1960s band, the Easybeats, produced their first six albums.

AC/DC was rocked with tragedy when lead singer Bon Scott died in 1980 from alcohol poisoning, just after their huge success with their hit album Highway to Hell. But the band was able to eventually deal with the loss, and replaced Scott with a new singer, Brian Johnson, Masino recalled. She also detailed how when their song "Nightprowler" came out, serial killer Richard Ramirez, known as the "Night Stalker," claimed this song spoke to him directly, though the band was never into Satanic worship. She talked about how Angus Young experimented with different looks and costumes before settling on his "school boy" uniform which he still wears for performances (the band is currently on tour in Europe), as well as how Malcolm Young retired from the group in 2014, as he suffers from dementia.
Coast To Coast AM - July 2, 2015 Tracking Technology & AC/DC

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Red Alert -- Greece Begins To Collapse (Black Horsemen)

Only 500 Million Euro's left in Reserve Banks as Food and Drugs are beginning to not be shipped into the country

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RON PAUL on ECONOMIC COLLAPSE - Collapse of America is Coming U.S. on The Brink

The controlled media tells us that it is a symptom of corporate greed and an accidental occurrence. The truth is that recently released central bank cartel documents show that the entire global financial melt-down in a purposefully engineered consolidation. The following is a transcript of an interview with award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast in which Palast blows the IMF World Bank program of slavery wide open. Because of the debt inflation pit they’ve created. GP: Yes, well, see one of the things that happened is that – we’ve got examples from, I’ve got inside documents recently from Argentina, the secret Argentine plan. This is signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank. By the way, just so you know, they are really upset with me that I’ve got the documents,

It’s not too difficult to understand that we are well on our way to a paradigm shift in America; in fact we’re in the midst of it right now. The writing is on the wall and can no longer be ignored. The US government has run up trillions of dollars in debt, and given the recent debates over the country’s debt ceiling, we can rest assured that neither Congress or the President will act to curtail spending and balance the budget. We will continue adding trillions of dollars to the national debt clock until such time that our creditors no longer lend us money.

On Main Street, average Americans have seen their wealth decimated. They’ve lost millions of jobs and homes over the course of the last five years. And if recent reports are any indication, the destruction of the middle class will continue unabated for years to come. The resulting effect is a vicious negative feedback loop that continues to build upon itself. Americans no longer have money (or credit) to spend to prop up the economy, thus more jobs will be lost, leading to more people requiring government assistance for everything from food to shelter. Indications are that the second quarter 2015 will also have negative GDP growth, that is, a further decline. As John Williams ( is likely correct that there has been no recovery from the prior recession, just bottom bouncing with stock and bond markets driven by the Fed’s outpouring of liquidity, the first half of 2015 will signal a second downturn in the US economy which is collapsing as a result of jobs offshoring and a deregulated financial system anonymous self sufficient country boy can survive depression global reset Travel Restrictions. This will begin with restrictions on foreign travel, including suspension/removal of passports. (This has begun in a small way in both the EU and US.) Later, travel restrictions will be extended within the boundaries of countries (highway checkpoints, etc.) texas gold germany federal reserve Confiscation of wealth. The EU has instituted the confiscation of bank accounts, which can be expected to become an international form of governmental theft. This does not automatically mean that other assets, such as precious metals and real estate will also be confiscated

It’s crunch time for Greece as IMF debt looms and bailout ends.

Puerto Rico announced it’s about to suffer the same fate and a new chart shows the U.S. is on the same debt path. revolution liberty China has been quietly stockpiling gold for years now. In fact, it is stockpiling so much gold that many have speculated that it may be building a gold-backed yuan currency that would make the Dollar pale in comparison on the global market. election 2016 hillary clinton donald trump In terms of buying stores of goods to live on… canned goods, toilet paper, bottled water… the disruptions to the system here early on could be just as bad as an earthquake in terms of shutting down electricity so you can’t pump gasoline, or getting distribution channels disrupted to grocery stores so that you can’t get food California anticipating a potential earthquake.

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Greece To Exit or To Exist?

 Greece is gearing up for its Sunday referendum to decide whether to accept the terms of its troika of lenders for a debt deal. The Greek government is campaigning for a NO vote, promising a new deal the very next day with its lenders. The European powerhouses like Germany and Eurogroup are warning that this referendum will decide on whether Greece remains within the eurozone. The banks are closed, capital controls have been imposed and the pressure is on. In this edition of The Debate we discuss the run-up to the referendum and what lies in store for Greece beyond July 5th.

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This Recession Is Really A Depression -- Ron Paul

 Alex Jones talks with former Congressman Ron Paul who breaks down how the United States isn't in a recession, but a depression.

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Coast To Coast AM - July 1, 2015 Seal Team Six, Ramtha & UFOs

In the first half of the program, former administrative law attorney at the Pentagon, Don Brown, discussed the mysterious helicopter crash which killed seventeen members of Navy SEAL Team Six that had killed Osama Bin Laden ninety days earlier. The large chopper, known as Extortion 17, was shot down in Afghanistan in 2011, near the Pakistan border, and was the largest single loss-of-life in the history of the US Navy SEALs. On the mission, the team was ostensibly looking for a Taliban operative. As the chopper approached for landing, Rules of Engagement prevented pre-suppression fire into the helicopter's landing zone prior to landing, even though Taliban were spotted moving towards the landing zone, Brown detailed.

Various foreign media outlets reported that the Taliban was tipped on the helicopter's landing zone, he continued, but the US military, in a possible cover-up, concluded in its subsequent investigation that there was no wrong-doing, and that the shoot-down was unavoidable. Among the mysteries in the case were claims that no black box was ever found for the helicopter, and bullets discovered in the bodies of two of the SEALs. Aboard the shot-down craft were seven Afghan soldiers, who possibly were undercover Taliban. They might have guided the chopper to the location where it was shot down, or sabotaged it from within, Brown conjectured.


In the latter half, founder and President of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, JZ Knight, talked about her renewed interest in UFOs and their meanings, as well as insights from Ramtha, the entity whom she has channeled for decades. Ramtha said he lived as a human being 35,000 years ago on the ancient continent of Lemuria. His race and three other races from different parts of the galaxy were on Earth as part of a "Genesis project" to restore life on a damaged world, she explained. The Lemurians were the giants of their time, and Ramtha appears to her as a 7 ft. tall being, she said.

Ramtha describes something he calls "The Great Intimidation," in which UFOs will appear in the sky, simultaneously around the world from horizon to horizon. This will be instrumental in changing the structure of our societies and possibly halt a war in the Middle East, Knight suggested. She shared Ramtha's interpretation of the odd trumpet sounds people have been hearing around the world-- the cause is the sound made by cloaking devices on huge spaceships when they materialize or disappear. Ramtha also issued a prophecy that he would make a crop circle appear. According to Knight, such a formation occurred in Wiltshire, England in July 2011, featuring a pipe smoking alien and headdress with seven levels of consciousness. For more, check out this video clip of Ramtha speaking through Knight.
Coast To Coast AM - July 1, 2015 Seal Team Six, Ramtha & UFOs

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How Greece Can Defeat The Banksters

 David Knight breaks down how the destruction of Greece was planned for years and what they could do to break free from the grip of the globalist banksters.

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John Stossel - Pharmaphobia

 John’s brother, Dr. Tom Stossel, discusses his new book, “Pharmaphobia, How the Conflict of Interest Myth Undermines American Medical Innovation.”

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Jade Helm electronic countermeasure foils WiFi tracking

 This $200 DIY WiFi router will make it far easier for whistleblowers (and criminals) to hide online

It's about to become a little bit easier to hide online. In August 2015, security researcher Ben Caudill is set to formally unveil the "ProxyHam," Wired reports — a router that masks its user's identity by letting them hide several miles away from it.

Devices connecting to the internet have a unique IP address. It's what identifies them to others — but can also be used to track down the device. It's in part why elaborate obfuscation tools like proxies, the Tor network, and VPNs exist, to obscure the user's true IP and location. But down to both technical failure and human error, these tools aren't always perfect.

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MEGANET - Kim Dotcom Announces Crowdfunded Encrypted Replacement to the Internet

 Which is preferable, free Internet susceptible to spying and tampering, as is the case with Mark Zuckerberg's next big project, or encrypted, potentially very expensive, crowdfunded Internet provided by the Web's most legendary pirate king?

If you believe Kim Dotcom, world citizens will soon enough have a choice. The MegaUpload founder and potentially most successful pirate-by-proxy ever, has been alluding to a new communications protocol dubbed MegaNet for years. In a more recent interview, included below, Dotcom tells Max Keiser that MegaNet is a real ambition that currently has raised $40 million through private crowdfunding. Dotcom also intends to raise another $100 million using Bnk to the Future in January, a relatively new crowdfunding site that apparently has no issue taking Dotcom on as a client. key features of Meganet: Will not be IP-based. Will incorporate block chain technology. Will natively incorporate mobile devices.

Two bitcoin ATMs have been stolen in Amsterdam from the Netherlands-based bitcoin ATM collective Mr Bitcoin. Most Reddit users mocked the thieves for stealing machines that don't actually store any bitcoins on their systems. Not including an IP address by design could have serious implications on the privacy capabilities of such a protocol, but it could also run into fundamental networking problems. Readers will be quick to note that an IP address is not the only way to track down the activities of a user, and often enough they can be irrelevant. Even an MAC address could essentially be a false entity when dealing with the right sort of bot net. The question, then, is how will this be done? New software protocols somehow incorporating bitcoins, mobile phones, and Bluetooth, or something SOPA meganet "

It is important to note that Kim Dotcom is a social-media and marketing genius. His tweet could be hinting at something coming in the future, it could be a way to tease his detractors, followers and observers, or perhaps it was just an attempt at a quick media-attention grab (oops). This is a more likely possibility than Dotcom developing an unannounced product that will change the world. Yurii Rashkovskii, who previously attempted to create something like a blockchain powered version of GitHub that he called Gitchain. He has since moved on from that project to, but he still has experience attempting to turn large networks copyright raid kim dotcom vice edward snowden

Low-income consumers may be set to have essentially free, taxpayer-subsidized Internet service, similar to the notorious Obamaphone, following the federal government’s takeover of the web. “Indeed, it’s been publicly reported that the FCC is itching to use the Universal Service Fund to extend the Lifeline program to broadband. That won’t come cheap,” Pai said in his dissent to the FCC’s new Internet regulations. “In order to provide discounted broadband service to millions of Americans, the FCC will have to find the money somewhere. With this Order, that somewhere is your wallet. So when it comes to broadband, read my lips: More new taxes are coming. It’s just a matter of when.” Also read: David Cameron Threatens Ban on Encryption to Gain Access to Citizen Communications

Notoriously known as “Big Sis” for her role at the Orwellian mega-agency, she claims the supposed ‘imminent’ event will pose challenges to all aspects of life, and make powering homes, providing food and facilitating transportation difficult. Napolitano seems so sure, one wonders how she knows that such a catastrophe is not only possible, but sure to happen, as she prepares to officially leave office September 6th. This new authority, yet another layer of government oversight, we are sure is for your own protection and in Obama’s words will “augment work to fight cyber threats.” All your internet is belong to us…

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Greece Crisis Could Erupt Into CIVIL UNREST and RIOTS as Basic Supplies Run Out!

 Greece is heavily under fire right now as the conditions worsen while we wait for a referendum. The IMF has been successful at introducing extreme amounts of debt, causing the real economy to fall, which leads the nation towards the bankers hands. Import heavy countries cannot survive long without basic goods coming in and once they run out, RIOTS and CIVIL UNREST will surely occur.

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Vaccines Kill -- Marijuana Cures

Suzanne Posel: "Medical Community Vaccine-Injured My Son And Now I Have Him On CBD (Cannabidiol)"

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Civil War in America as Black Churches Burn Across the South - The FBI is launching an investigation into fires set at seven different African-American churches in seven days. So far none of the blazes have been labeled as hate crimes, but investigators say at least three fires were caused by arson. The fires began on June 21, just days after the Charleston massacre, and have occurred in six different states: Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Ohio. We are joined by Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been tracking these most recent fires.

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Urgent: Greek crisis to crash U.S. stock market?

 Meltdown is a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that brought down the financial world. The show begins with the 2008 crash that pushed 30 million people into unemployment, brought countries to the edge of insolvency and turned the clock back to 1929.

But how did it all go so wrong? Lack of government regulation; easy lending in the US housing market meant anyone could qualify for a home loan with no government regulations in place. Also, London was competing with New York as the banking capital of the world. Gordon Brown, the British finance minister at the time, introduced "light touch regulation" - giving bankers a free hand in the marketplace.

Meltdown moves on to examine the epidemic of fear that caused the world's banks to stop lending and how the people began their fight back. Finally, it asks how the world can prepare for the next crisis even as it recognises that this one is far from over.

We hear about the sheikh who says the crash never happened; a Wall Street king charged with fraud; a congresswoman who wants to jail the bankers; and the world leaders who want a re-think of capitalism

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End time events will continue and increase in strength. Be witness of how the earth is crumbling into pieces by devastating tornadoes, erupting volcanoes, massive earthquakes and never ending floods. Stay tuned for more upcoming and devastating events here on my channel. Be sure that's not the end of the world

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Capitalism: A Love Story - Documentary

 Capitalism: A Love Story is a 2009 American documentary film directed, written by and starring Michael Moore. The film centers on the late-2000s financial crisis and the recovery stimulus, while putting forward an indictment of the current economic order in the United States and capitalism in general.
Topics covered include Wall Street's "casino mentality", for-profit prisons, Goldman Sachs' influence in Washington, D.C., the poverty-level wages of many workers, the large wave of home foreclosures, corporate-owned life insurance, and the consequences of "runaway greed".

The film also features a religious component where Moore examines whether or not capitalism is a sin and if Jesus would be a capitalist, in order to shine light on the ideological contradictions among evangelical conservatives who support free market ideals.

Directed by Michael Moore
Produced by Anne Moore
Michael Moore
Written by Michael Moore
Music by Jeff Gibbs
Cinematography - Daniel Marracino
Jayme Roy
Editing by Jessica Brunetto
Alex Meiller
Tanya Meiller
Conor O'Neill
Pablo Proenza
T. Woody Richman
John Walter
Studio - The Weinstein Company
Dog Eat Dog Films
Distributed by Overture Films (US)
Paramount Vantage (international)

Release dates: September 6, 2009 (VIFF) October 2, 2009 (United States)

Budget: $20 million
Box office: $17,436,509

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Greek Depositors Might Be Next To Be Cypress-ed

 UK manufacturing slows. Tspiras ready to accept terms from Troika. Tspiras tell country to vote NO. Greece might be getting Cypress-ed soon. UN report on austerity, does not help the economy and keeps the next generation in poverty.Manufacturing in US declines as the Baltic Dry Index falls again. ADP reports more jobs added while more layoffs are being reported. Mortgage application fall and existing homes sales decline at the same time. US Government pushing common core and replacing the US Declaration of Independence with UN Declaration of Rights.Russia shuts gas for non payment from Ukraine. FBI and other agencies report threat on 4th of July. They want the people to avoid celebrations on Independence Day.

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This is how Profit Driven Corporations Run The FDA

Anthony Gucciardi gives his take on the vaccine news and registered pharmacist and GCN radio host Ben Fuchs covers the latest on cholesterol, probiotics and mental health.

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BREAKING : Shooting Washinton DC Navy Yard

Active shooter in Washington DC Navy Yard "Gunshots Heard" as the FBI and DHS and all other Police Department on the scene

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Is Nibiru Planet X Collapsing Earths Magnetic Field ?

 Is Nibiru Planet X Collapsing Earths Magnetic Field ? Does the Earth's own Magnetosphere show the presence Nibiru Planet X in our solar system which is causing the Polar Shift?

Is this movement of the Poles in the last 180 years just precursor of things to come, it certainly seems so, as the evidence of Nibiru Planet X begins to become more obvious.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - June 29, 2015: Greek Domino falls, China moves in to pick up the pieces

So, it has finally happened, Greece has shut down its banks and imposed capital controls. And so the dominoes start to fall. This is only the first act in a grand opera that will continue to unfold in the coming months. To try to guess what is in store for the European Union, it is good to take a look at how the fall of the Soviet Union took place. The fall of the Soviet Union began with a widespread sense of dissatisfaction with the government among both the working class and the elites. This gave birth to strikes and demonstrations in Poland that led to the fall of the Polish government in June of 1989. In November of that year the Berlin wall came down. Then, running into 1990, the communist governments of Czechoslovakia,

Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary fell. Finally, in December of 1991 Michael Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union itself collapsed.

So now that Greece has failed we can expect Spain, Italy, France, Germany and finally the United States itself to follow a roughly similar trajectory to what we saw with the Soviet Union.

What most people still do not realize about the fall of the Soviet Union was that it was not caused by failed ideology but by actual financial bankruptcy. That is why the United States and the European Union, which is modelled almost exactly on the Soviet Union, are doomed to experience regime change. They are bankrupt.

Chinese and BRICS government sources explain what they are going to do next. Chinese number 2 Li Keqiang is arriving in Europe this week where he will announce China will contribute generously to a European reconstruction fund with an initial budget of 315 billion Euros. It is no coincidence that this is almost exactly the same amount as the Greek debt total is.

The Chinese offer of bail out money for Europe is the one of the reasons why the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland etc. agreed to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

In addition to this, the BRICS development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and many other new institutions are also now opening shop. All of these institutions will be helping direct a flow of $21 trillion worth of Chinese money that is expected to flood world markets in the coming months and years.

In parallel to this, there are also ongoing negotiations on what rules will apply to the $21 trillion worth of Chinese savings that the Chinese government is soon going to let Chinese citizens invest overseas. Basically this amounts to discussions about what areas the Chinese will be allowed to invest in and what will be off limits.

The Europeans are much more open about what the Chinese can invest in than the Americans. So far, the British have already offered ownership of a major newspaper (this writer is involved in the negotiations so cannot disclose the name of the paper) to the Chinese. The newspaper deal will involve a promise by the Chinese to not interfere in fact based reporting. The British are also trying to find a Chinese buyer interested in the British Telecoms’ landline infrastructure, among other things.

The British are further along in their negotiations with the Chinese than other Europeans but you can be sure the Greeks, then the Spanish, Italians and others will not be far behind.

Hungary is ahead of the rest of Europe in that they have already agreed to participate in the Chinese silk-road initiative to build extensive transportation infrastructure across Eurasia.

By contrast, Chinese and American negotiations over what parts of the US economy Chinese would be allowed to invest in failed last week. Chinese sources say this was because the Americans were unwilling to open enough sectors to Chinese investments. Pentagon sources say the negotiations failed because the Chinese were reluctant to start merging Chinese armed forces with the Pentagon. State Department sources added the Chinese were also still unwilling to open their financial markets sufficiently to Western financial institutions. Of course, seeing what damage Western financial institutions have caused around the world, Chinese reluctance to allow them free reign seems quite reasonable.

Even as this avalanche of Asian money looms over the world markets, there are still frantic moves afoot to try to keep the old Western system solvent. The latest move on that front, according to Japanese right wing sources, has been a request by the US Treasury Department that the Mitsubishi Group take-over the Union Bank of Switzerland. The problem is the Americans are not letting Mitsubishi do any real due diligence. The right winger recalls the same thing happened when the Japanese were asked to bail out Merrill Lynch. “They are just asking us to fill in a black hole,” he complained.

The Mitsubishi Group, with its close ties to David Rockefeller, is the main force behind the Abe slave regime in Japan, according to multiple sources here. Abe, because of his low IQ, was sent to the low prestige Seikei University founded by the Mitubishi Group as a favor to his war criminal grandfather. It appears forcing Mitsubishi to buy UBS is payback for the US campaign to allow Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to start exporting weapons.

The military build-up in Japan is part of a plan first proposed by Senior Nazi cabalist Richard Armitage more than a decade ago. The Abe government is betting its final energy on laws aimed at integrating the Japanese military with the US military. These are expected to be pushed strongly over the summer.

However, there are growing signs in Japan of revolt against the Shinzo Abe slave government. Recently two separate nationally broadcast television shows openly stated the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was the result of deliberate sabotage.

Also, several people who recently met Abe said he was looking very frail from his intestinal illness.

There is a concrete scenario to replace Abe this autumn, according to several Japanese power brokers. The details are still being kept secret but the P2 Freemason lodge, MI6, Asian secret societies, the Japanese yakuza and other factions are pushing this scenario. Only a few top level Khazarian slaves remain in support of Abe now. Their names have been noted and they will be asked to step aside this autumn.

Also the P2 Freemason lodge and the Vatican are negotiating deals with the Russians and the Pentagon to make sure the West retains an equal say with Asia in the emerging new international financial, economic and political system. The fact that UBS is linked to the Teutonic Knights and thus to the P2 lodge is a clear indication the Vatican is pushing for Japanese backing (money) to ensure we do not end up with a one China world.

To this end Russia’s Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis on June 10th to push for an East West Christian bloc, according to Pentagon sources. Both are now going to pressure US President Barack Obama to disengage in the Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere so that the Christian West can form a unified bloc, the sources said.

In addition to this, the take down of the Khazarian gangsters and their proxies in the Middle East, Europe, the US and Israel continues to unfold. In the latest development, the United Nations has de facto charged Israel’s Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu with being a war criminal.

His arrest is expected to take place once the final elements of his nuclear blackmail network are dismantled. Pentagon sources say the dismantling is almost complete and that Netanyahu would be in jail “sooner rather than later.”

We also have confirmation on a Mossad linked site that Israeli proxy forces are threatening to kill innocent civilians in an attempt to stop a military campaign.

This is exactly the sort of tactic that led to war crimes charges being filed against so many rank and file Nazis.

There was also a military mutiny against the Khazarian pseudo-Muslim government in Saudi Arabia last week in what is expected to be an avalanche of military defections against that regime.

There was also another sign that pressure was mounting on the top Khazarian Bush and Clinton mob families. Pentagon sources say Walter Scheib, the chef who catered to Bill Clinton and Bush Jr. for 11 years, was murdered last week in a futile attempt by these mobsters to cover their tracks.

Finally, a crack-down on Satanists has led to the arrest of over a thousand pedophiles in the US last week.

This follows the arrest of more than 600 in the UK last year.

In the UK as well, efforts to protect a high powered child molesting politician were overturned last week by rank and file pressure.

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Greece likely to Default on its IMF Loans

Tsipras's surprising call comes in spite of warnings that a default can lead to a chaotic Greek exit from the eurozone. However, this was widely expected following the collapse of talks between Greece and its international lenders over the weekend. Greece has closed its banks and imposed capital controls to prevent financial chaos. The move left many depositors scrambling for cash at ATM machines. *** Greece likely to miss IMF payment deadline PM Tsipras asks Greeks to reject bailout offer by creditors in referendum - Tens of thousands of Greeks have protested against further austerity cuts ahead of a key referendum on a new European bailout. The demonstrations come as the country confirms it will not meet the deadline for a $1.8 billion loan repayment due by 6 p.m. Eastern time tonight, deepening Greece’s fiscal crisis and threatening its exit from the eurozone. Greece will hold a vote this Sunday on whether to accept an austerity package of budget cuts and tax hikes in exchange for new loans. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has urged a "no" vote, calling the proposal a surrender. We go to Greece to speak with Costas Panayotakis, professor of sociology at the New York City College of Technology at CUNY and author of "Remaking Scarcity: From Capitalist Inefficiency to Economic Democracy."

Monday, June 29, 2015

Joe Rogan & NASA Physicist: We're Living in the Matrix

 Joe Rogan, simulation theory, computer code, quantum physics, Duncan Trussell, Tom Campbell, Thomas Campbell, matrix, James Gates Jr., Neil DeGrasse Tyson, digital universe, multiverse, information, holographic universe, Chris Delamo

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Blog Archive

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Henry Kissinger

once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger

“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger

"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?


“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941

Taxing People is Punishing Success

There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki

The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid

Stefan Molyneux

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus

The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros

"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.

This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.

By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."

USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924

Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money

Taxation is legalized Theft

"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker

Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....

Bob Dylan

"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich

There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle

litical Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon

The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow

When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !


Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake

The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

Albert Einstein

In The Left Nothing is Right & in The Right nothing is Left

No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please

Freedom is not Free

Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition

Ron Paul

"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff

You can love your Country and not your Government

Jesse Ventura

" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck

"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones

"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "

Ronald Reagan

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato

The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo

"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN

"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN

"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN

"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."

Serial Killer Richard Ramirez

There is a Class War going on in America, & unfortunately, my class is winning." Warren Buffet

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson

"College is a waste of Money"
Albert Einstein

Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki

Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki

" ‏Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson

“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

"Aspire not to have More but to be More "

The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki ‏

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford

What You Own Owns You

If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell

Be The Change you want to see in The World

Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki ‏

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN