Thursday, May 7, 2015

The American Pharoah sets the stage for World War 3 in the Middle East (May 07, 2015)

Ezekiel 38 : The American Pharoah sets the stage for World War 3 in the Middle East (May 07, 2015)

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Riots in Milan -- The No Expo Movement

On May 1, the No Expo activist group took to Milan’s streets to protest Expo 2015. Known as the “Universal Exhibition,” the event is dedicated to food, technology, and innovation. But activists have been longtime critics of the event, which they say is rife with corruption, and say does not help Italy, but benefits big corporations.

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When Will The Economy Collapse?

Collapse will happen once the collective consciousness reaches terminal velocity and not a second prior, and from what I'm seeing, humans are still too wrapped up in petty drama to even entertain the notion that we are all one.

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BALTIMORE AIRPLANE SURVEILLANCE - Secret Flight Circles Baltimore Looking For Civil Unrest

 As tensions eased and protests continued this past weekend in Baltimore, a small squadron of aircraft circled neighborhoods affected by the riots and other violence of April 27—providing Baltimore City Police with an eye in the sky to monitor the protests and other "possible criminal activity," as an FBI official

Cessna 206H registered to National Aircraft Leasing Corporation circled overhead for hours at about 3,500 feet, flying repetitively over western Baltimore. On the nights of April 30, May 1 and May 2, another aircraft, a Cessna Model 182T registered to a company named NG Research in Bristow, Virginia, flew over the same areas at a similar low altitude.
Also on May 1 and May 2, an unidentified Cessna Citation V jet made similar nighttime flights, orbiting Baltimore at the relatively low altitudes (for a jet aircraft) of 6,400 and 9,400 feet, based on records from Flightradar24.

There had been speculation that these aircraft carried advanced digital surveillance gear from Persistent Surveillance Systems, a company that has previously conducted testing in Baltimore as well as Dayton, Ohio and other cities. But given the time of day, and the FBI's acknowledgement of its aircraft support for Baltimore police, these aircraft likely carried stablized forward looking infrared and electro-optical sensor systems similar to those purchased by the FBI in 2010 from L-3 WESCAM explicitly for mounting on Cessena aircraft—and from the same family of hardware that the Army has been evaluating for the Apache attack helicopter. These sensor-equipped planes have shown up all over the country in the past few years, apparently as part of law enforcement operations.

The latest aircraft could also carry electronic eavesdropping gear, including "Stingray" or "dirtbox" cell phone interception systems. An FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force team recently took an FBI aircraft with optical and radio sensors to the UK and flew accompanied by RAF pilots, trying to intercept phone calls from individuals tied to the British member of ISIS known as "Jihadi John." A mysterious aircraft flew dangerously low over Austin today, evoking memories of how New Yorkers were terrified by a similar incident three years ago.

The recent exposure of the nationwide Jade Helm 15 exercise has made many people suspicious, and with good reason. Federal crisis exercises have a strange historical tendency to suddenly coincide with very real crisis events. We may know very little about Jade Helm beyond government admissions, claims and misdirections. But at the very least, we know what “JADE” is an acronym for: Joint Assistance for Deployment and Execution, a program designed to create action and deployment plans using computer models meant to speed up reaction times for military planners during a “crisis scenario.” It is linked with another program called ACOA (Adaptive Course of Action), the basis of which is essentially the use of past mission successes and computer models to plan future missions. Both are products of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

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The IRS scandal just won’t go away -- Wayne Root

Is My Personal IRS Case Obama's Watergate? ROOT For America
 The IRS scandal just won’t go away -- kind of like Watergate. The media knew about Watergate for many months, wrote about it, it simmered, it boiled, then it turned into a bigger-than-life scandal that destroyed Nixon’s presidency. Could that be a repeat of how the Obama IRS scandal is playing out?

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Gerald Celente - The Fed Makes Equities Go Into Cardiac Arrest

Veteran trend forecaster Gerald Celente joins Kitco News one day before the release of April’s nonfarm payrolls report to share his thoughts on the U.S. economy. He says that the numbers scheduled to come out on Friday will only cause a temporary move "because here’s the real fact, you still have a labor force participation rate that is at 36-year lows, the jobs that are being created stink.” He adds that jobs actually being created in the U.S. "aren’t going to really create the economy that we need to have for growth.” Looking at equity markets, Celente says he is bearish because low interest rates are causing room for manipulation. “It’s only the low interest rates that are keeping the equity markets alive worldwide,” he says. “I’m bearish on all of the world equities because every time [the Fed] hints that rates are going to go up, the equity markets go into cardiac arrest.” Tune in now to find out why he sees gold well above $2,000/oz and why he is closely watching the situation in the Middle East. Kitco News, May 7, 2015. 

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POWER TO THE PEOPLE - The Internet is Giving Power To The Small People. Elite Are Scared!

Political 'flash mobs' have already swung elections in Spain, the Philippines twice and South Korea. New political actors are emerging, from Move On in the US to the colour revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan. The web is lowering the costs of mobilisation, even if it is only slowly improving the quality of democratic debate. Over the past forty-seven years, determined interests in America have succeeded in keeping the truth about the murder of President John F. Kennedy from gaining legitimacy in the public consciousness. This was accomplished through government censorship, mass propaganda in the media, collective brainwashing, and political myth-making. When all those methods failed, phrases like “conspiracy theorist” and “crazy” were used to cast fear in inquiring minds and persuade people against following the trail of facts to the painful conclusion that elections are insignificant because America’s political and economic system was hijacked by a powerful elite that operates like an invisible, globally-minded network with a grand political mission that is in stark contrast with the founding principles and values of America. internet "we the people" documentary movie change power "people power" politics 2015 2016 future million future powerful time effort money wealth wealthy freedom liberty world "united states" china chinese elite anonymous "power to the people" generation "next generation" trendy trending entertainment celebrity ambition information battle truth exposed uk british viral society social "social media" "elite nwo agenda" viral "viral video" alex jones infowars rant anger exposed fema camp military indistrial complex end game collapse net neutrality vote election uk obama 3rd term truther conspiracy anonymous we are change david icke max keiser glenn beck gerald celente jim rogers marc fabar lindsey williams bilderberg 2015

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a tacit admission during a U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities committee meeting yesterday, arguing that the State Department needs more money because the US military-industrial complex is “losing the information war” to the likes of Russia Today and Al Jazeera due to the US corporate media having completely abandoned “real news”.

The establishment has been desperately trying to implement legal control over the Internet. They’re attacking freedom of speech and the open Internet from all angles; through government tools, corporate methods, and even the courts. All three of these methods are converging in the WikiLeaks case, but that’s not the only battle being waged in the so-called “all-out cyber war.”

Victor Hugo famously said, “All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.” The ideas of liberty, justice, peace, and the right to open-source knowledge has come of age; it is clear that the globalist machine is opposed to these ideals — thus they’re losing the information war. Therefore, they must attack the battlefield of the infowar under the pretext of protecting cyberspace from those pesky freedom-of-speech bandits. charlie munger billionaire

Although our food supply is being controlled by a smaller and smaller number of corporations, the spread of knowledge outside of the controlled corporate channels has led to a food revolution. With more Americans and people globally becoming aware of the dangerous substances hidden inside every meal they eat, food giants are having to submit to the demands of their customers or face the free-market consequences. Despite their global monopoly and stranglehold over governments, the public backlash against Monsanto has resulted in a continued downgrade of their stock.

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Darryl Perry: An Anarchist Running For President In 2016 To Abolish Government!

Jeff interviews New Hampshire freedom activist and upcoming presidential candidate Darryl Perry. Topics include: the drug war, cannabis and heroin were freely available until the 1920's, unjust harm by the state, throughout most of human history people have had much more freedom, democracy is minority rule, the withdrawal of consent to be governed, running for office as an anarchist, Ron Paul's main intention was education, what happens when no one votes, should anarchists vote? By getting involved Anarchists can increase the breadth of the discussion, the prohibition party, Baltimore, secession, addiction is a health problem not a criminal one, CIA involvement in drugs, prescription drugs, making independence an option, get our ideas out there, work together, Liberty is rising!

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The Constitution is just a piece of paper -- Stefan Molyneux

You are wrong on the statement that the constitution is just a piece of paper - are other laws just a piece of paper too?

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ISIS The New Boogeyman -- Mike Rivero

Date: 05/06/2015 -- Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stop the TPP - Exposing Obama’s Secretive “Free Trade” Deal

If Americans knew what was inside the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Congress would never be able to pass it… That’s why Washington has fought for years to cloak the Trans-Pacific Partnership in secrecy. Many Congressmen are still not permitted to view the bill, which is currently being written by more than 600 American and foreign corporate executives. The little that we do know about the TPP has come through Wikileaks, which has published portions of the working text. What those few snippets contain is enough for most liberty-minded Americans to know that the TPP is not only bad for our economy, it’s bad for our liberties. The TPP is a Trojan Horse filled with a shocking bonanza of special rights and privileges for corporations that leaves America’s middle class and working poor on the hook for the bill. But because the TPP is being written and debated in private, the American people, and even our own elected officials, have been restricted from seeing the details. Meanwhile, the corporate-controlled media has played right along with the goals of big business to keep reporting on one of the comprehensive trade agreements in American history to an absolute minimum. This keeps the average American in the dark, which is exactly where Washington, and its corporate sponsors want them. But as one U.S. Supreme Court once noted: Sunlight is one the best of disinfectants.

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America Is In A Very Bad Place-News Brief -- Steve Wynn

 International gaming and casino magnate Steve Wynn said this week in a PBS interview that the great economic recovery is pure fiction. The founder and CEO of Wynn Resorts told John Ralston of KNPB that labor statistics are inaccurate.
“Well, The idea that America is in the grips of a great recovery is pure fiction. It’s a lie. It’s not true. It’s a jobless recovery because recoveries are marked by the amount of real employment. And if you count the people who have left the work force, real unemployment is 15 to 20 percent.”

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Ron Paul: Collapsing Economy Fuels Baltimore Style Riots

Ron Paul: Collapsing Economy Fuels Baltimore Style Riots

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 A short video on a report saying that Apple wants to have your DNA. Things are getting very strange folks.

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RED ALERT : The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday May 6 2015

ISIS Operates American Branch? -- Date: 05/06/2015 -- -Today - On this Wednesday, May 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we examine Homeland Security's latest program which allows the agency to know when you go to the bathroom. Also, ISIS claims it has "71 trained soldiers in 15 different states" ready to attack at any given notice. Given how Obama told the Border Patrol to stand down from enforcing immigration laws, it's not really a question how ISIS got members and munitions into the country in the first place. Freeway Rick Ross joins us in studio to give his take on the current state of America and more. You don't want to miss today's broadcast!

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GAME OF DRONES | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV

 n January, two Al-Qaeda hostages—one American and one Italian—were killed in a U.S. counterterrorism drone strike operation in Pakistan. We asked Jesse Ventura: Are drones a necessary evil or do they do more harm than good. Tune in to this all new #WWJVD for the Governor’s opinion. Do you think drones are a necessary evil? Let us know! Sound off

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Obama should be remembered as The Drone President

 Drones should be in the first paragraph of President Barack Obama’s obituary, according to journalist Andrew Cockburn, and he should be remembered for his deadly remote killing program. Speaking to Larry King, the author of the new book “Kill Chain” dove into the details of the US’ infamous ‘targeted killings’ program, which has greatly expanded under “Drone President” Obama.

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Gerald Celente : Payback Time for Soros

One of the world's richest people, George Soros, made part of his fortune thanks to a legal loophole which allowed him to avoid paying taxes. But payback time is coming, as the investor now faces having to cough up almost 7 billion dollars.

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Patrick Wood - Technocracy Rising

 Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970's, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington. Patrick is with us to introduce his latest book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. This follow-up to his works on the Trilateral Commission details how the organization quietly adopted a modified version of historic technocracy to craft a movement it called a “New International Economic Order.” Patrick outlines where the technocracy movement took root, and how this ideology ended up producing programs such as Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Green Economy and Smart Growth. He defines the technocratic economic system that was born during the 1930’s Great Depression, designed to replace capitalism’s price based system with an energy based system and currency. We discuss the philosophy at the heart of technocracy, envisaging how this “rule by experts” becomes problematic when a few select people take over a movement and manipulate it for their best interests. We compare technocracy to transhumanism and scientism, with common threads ultimately leading to a scientific dictatorship masked as a utopian dream. In the members’ hour, Patrick emphasizes the core of transhuman values, which are based in completely transcending the human condition. Then, he explains the five requirements of technocracy and how mass surveillance and data fusion programs already in place are the first steps to implementing a worldwide digitized control system. We discuss the banking industry’s role in the transformation of the current economic system and the shady opportunities that could arise with the destruction of the free market. Further, we look at the scam of environmentalism and the 1992 Earth Summit conference that produced the Agenda 21 document. We also connect the dots to the war on self-determination that is being waged through educational programs like Common Core. We wrap up with an analysis of the overextended state of our financial world, with the ever-present members of the technocratic elite pushing capitalism to its limits.

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How To Fight Police Brutality!

 It is very tempting to spend one’s anger and outrage on particular manifestations of an unjust system – but all that does is pretend that the rest of the system is somehow just.

In magic, this is called “misdirection,” which is the art of drawing the attention of the audience away from the hand actually performing the trick.

In the black magic of politics, this is called “the media.” When you cover the air horn blaring of the media circus, the true constellations of political power become immediately visible.

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Catherine Austin Fitts - Major Turning Point Comes This Fall

Even though financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts thinks the chance of total collapse is “relatively small” she’s not discounting the chance of a major move this fall. Fitts contends, “I think this fall is going to be a major turning point. You see the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) system coming to a head. The U.S. budget is going to be a very difficult debate. You see the push to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the EU deal done. You have a lot of institutional relationships that needed to be restructured in the last couple of years. Those changes are all coming to a head, and so we are going to get a big shift. If you are managing a big bond fund, you got a big problem. . . . There is going to be a turn in the bond market or a plateau, and that’s going to be uncomfortable for those guys, and we are going to see some messy times.”

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The world is very messed up. Its scary thst so many cant see all the signs of how upside down everything has become.

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Are We In A Police State? Alex Jones & Jesse Ventura: Head to Head

 Tune in to the Alex Jones Show on Wednesday, May 5 from 11am-2pm CST when we will reveal the full debate!

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:

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Jade Helm Lies Exposed - The Alex Jones Show - 05/05/2015

Take everything the government states, and reverse it. You will then come pretty close to the truth, on any subject. Yes, strike that, reverse it.

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Steve Quayle -- The Story of The Two Trees and Two Rivers - May 5th, 2015

Steve Quayle
Steve Quayle
Steve Quayle

Books Weather Wars & Un-Natural Disasters Genesis 6 Giants LongWalkers: Return of the Nephilim Angel Wars True Legends Xenogenesis Breathe No Evil

Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions.

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Rothschild & Rockefeller vs Homeopathy & Naturopathy

Eustace Mullins, Global Sciences Congress in Denver, August 2000.
You can find the details in Eustace Mullins' "Murder By Injection, The Medical Conspiracy Against America"

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Benjamin Fulford - May 4, 2015: Chaos in US as international bankruptcy of US

 Benjamin Fulford - May 4, 2015: Chaos in US as international bankruptcy of US Fed faction sinks in

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Coast To Coast AM - May 4, 2015 The Bell Witch & American Occult

In the first half, founder of the Public Banking Institute, Ellen Brown discussed her interest in alternative cancer treatments and people who have been punished for pioneering effective alternative protocols, the devastating drought in California, and how a private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves. As an attorney, she represented Jimmy Keller, a Tijuana-based healer, who had a remarkable success rate in helping people with cancer. He was brought to the US for a trial on fraud charges, and ended up serving over four years in jail, she recounted. Keller's methods involved diagnosing with the use of radionics, a biophoton machine that detects energy patterns and body weaknesses. The machine was considered quackery in the 1990s, but has now gained more acceptance. However the campaign against alternative medicine, particularly when it comes to cancer treatments, has actually gotten worse in recent years, she added.

The creation of money has become privatized, in the forms of loans and credit, including the Federal Reserve, and the US government has evolved from a democracy into a corporatocracy, she stated. To counteract this, the Federal Reserve could be nationalized, and individual states could run a "public bank" (as is being done in North Dakota), which is funded by state investments, and enables sustainable prosperity, said Brown. She also suggested that the drought in California may actually be a deliberate plan brought about by weather control efforts, and that new research shows there is plenty of water underneath the Earth's mantle.


In the latter half, occult historian and newspaper and magazine reporter/editor Paul Eno addressed how the United States has deep occult roots, shared his theories of what is behind many strange encounters, and talked about his research into the infamous Bell Witch case. The Bell Witch case began in Tennessee in 1817, when the John & Lucy Bell family got into a property dispute with a neighbor named Kate Batts, who supposedly put a curse on John and his daughter Betsy. Subsequently, the Bell family was disturbed by poltergeist-like activity including pounding on walls, increasingly loud voices, and invisible attacks on Betsy. Rather than deceased spirits, Eno concluded that the attacks were caused by parasitic beings who were able to infiltrate our reality from another realm, and feed off human energy.

Eno noted that poltergeist activity also prompted the little-known Connecticut witch trials of 1647-1697, and that his ancestor Nicholas Disborough of Hartford was the victim of a poltergeist attack in 1683. He also talked about the prophecies and premonitions experienced by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and specific parts of the United States that seem to attract an array or flap of paranormal/supernatural activities, such as the Bridgewater Triangle in Massachusetts, where strange lore dates all the way back to the original Native American inhabitants.

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Happy Cinco de Mayo -- Mike Rivero

What Really Happened Radio Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday May 5 2015: (Commercial Free Video)

Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as "Star Trek", "The Day After Tomorrow", and has supervised visual effects on "Brainscan," "LOST", and "Hawaii Five-0." Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

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Explaining & Preparing For Nuclear War By Sheikh Imran Hosein

Sheikh Imran Hosein was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at several institutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland. He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam.

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The Financial Enslavement of the West | G. Edward Griffin

 G. Edward Griffin speaks at the Fatima Conference "The Path To Peace!" in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada in September 2013.

G. Edward Griffin, widely recognized expert on the Federal Reserve, scans American people's astonishing journey as greatest nation the world has ever seen, and our trajectory that is hurtling us from independence and self-reliance into dependency under the heel of a police state, until we reach the awakening that to be free we must be prepared and self-reliant.

Griffin claims that we, like mice entering a trap, have been tricked by predators in government to go after the bait of government giveaways, and are falling under tyranny, unless we take action while we still have a chance to reclaim our liberty.

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Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Trends Monthly: Action Packed!" - (4/24/15)

 "The April edition of Trends Monthly, David Petraeus gets a misdemeanor for leaking classified information & “U.S. maps pinpoint earthquakes linked to quest for oil and gas."

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The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Tuesday May 5 2015: News & Calls

Alexa cooking the books? -- Date: 05/05/2015 -- -Today - On this Tuesday, May 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the probability Alexa is fixing its rankings system to target conservative and anti-Obama administration news websites while artificially boosting the rankings of pro-government leftist media outlets. We also take a look at John Stewart’s mockery of “Lone Star lunatics” who have warned about the Jade Helm military exercises, the claim by ISIS it is behind the Garland, Texas bungled attack, the looming catastrophe of a 76 trillion dollar global bond market bubble exploding, and the push by race-baiter Al Sharpton to get the feds to take over law enforcement around the country and kill off once and for all posse comitatus.

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Americans struggle to pay Rents

 A new study shows housing rents have surged at twice the pace of average hourly wages in the US. Many Americans have to choose between buying groceries for their families and paying rents.

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Blog Archive

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Henry Kissinger

once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger

“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger

"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?


“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941

Taxing People is Punishing Success

There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki

The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid

Stefan Molyneux

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus

The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros

"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.

This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.

By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."

USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924

Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money

Taxation is legalized Theft

"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker

Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....

Bob Dylan

"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich

There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle

litical Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon

The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow

When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !


Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake

The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

Albert Einstein

In The Left Nothing is Right & in The Right nothing is Left

No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please

Freedom is not Free

Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition

Ron Paul

"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff

You can love your Country and not your Government

Jesse Ventura

" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck

"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones

"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "

Ronald Reagan

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato

The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo

"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN

"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN

"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN

"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."

Serial Killer Richard Ramirez

There is a Class War going on in America, & unfortunately, my class is winning." Warren Buffet

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson

"College is a waste of Money"
Albert Einstein

Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki

Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki

" ‏Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson

“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

"Aspire not to have More but to be More "

The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki ‏

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford

What You Own Owns You

If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell

Be The Change you want to see in The World

Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki ‏

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN