LA Marzulli ~ Radio Liberty 12-10-12 : there is an implanting program going on (the mark of the beast ) says pastor LA Marzulli , the coming great deceprion in the form of falling angels mascherating as ET will manifest themselves in 2013 Dr. LA Marzulli, author of "Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural," has produced a spectacular DVD on the UFO phenomenon, one of the most confusing and unexplained mysteries of our time. Until now. Marzulli offers his own unique perspective on the subject and how this deception plays a part in end-time prophecy. When will the world meet these alien creatures in their flying machines? Is a face to face encounter right on the horizon? Marzulli believes we are being set up for a great deception. He answers a lot of questions on his DVD including What are those strange lights in the sky? What factual proof is there of UFO's? Are people interacting with UFO's now? Why do people feel the phenomena is benevolent? What other phenomena is going on? The Watchers then delves headlong into the unexplained phenomena including cattle mutilations, the abduction phenomena, and alien implants. Dr. Roger Leir, world expert on surgically removing alien implants, gives his most in-depth and chilling interview yet, with shocking surgical footage and actual physical evidence of what these implants contain. This is one of the best produced videos we have seen in quite some time and it offers some utterly fascinating material never seen anywhere else. Marzulli is an expert on UFO's and the supernatural and has produced a real gem in The Watchers. Marzulli wrote the Nephilim Trilogy series, a fascinating 3-book series of novels on the alien phenomenon. In addition, he has written Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural and The Alien Interviews,