A Financial Nuclear Bomb about to be Dropped on The Markets ... Every market day (20 business days per month), the Central-Bank-Cartel American subsidiary, The Federal Reserve, spends $6,000,000,000 of fiat money on Federal Bonds, Corporate Bonds, ETF’s and Mortgage Securities, and places them on their own balance sheet. They are most likely using BlackRock, State Street, JP Morgan, GS and others as intermediates. So they are using money that was made out of nothing, and charging you interest on it, and using our money to buy our countries assets, and put them on their own balance sheets. If gold or some other untouchable solidifying currency anchor were in place, NONE of those aforementioned events would have occurred without exorbitant taxation placed upon the citizens of all countries involved. You see fiat-based currencies enable the demonic forces behind world domination to pay for their diabolical implements WITHOUT having to immediately get the funds from the populace. If THAT were the case, revolution would soon ensue. Our present rulers are wise, cunning, soulless, and without any semblance of morality. They are driven solely by the pursuit of power and control. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to notice everything went south upon unlawful authorization of the federal reserve act of 1913. I care not about the US debt because the US (corporate) debt is not Americas (unincorporated sovereign states) debt. The American state citizens (unincorporated) have no obligation concerning that debt. The US corporation and its corporate citizens are liable for that debt. Are you liable for another persons debt without a contract. I'm an American State Citizen, I have no contracts with the corporate US or USA governments, with the exception of the Constitutions. The Constitutions give the Federal government no jurisdiction over the American State People. That's the US corporations con; run up the corporate debt with their banker handlers, declare bankruptcy and leave the American people who have been misidentified as corporate chattel (US Citizens) holding the bag. They walk , and you loose your shirt. You and what you believe to be your property is their collateral. The interest rate on the debt is not sustainable by a long shot. We're in a period where the US should naturally be paying down it's debt. The takeaway should be debt to GDP is over 120%, it doesn't take a big move for interest payments to double or triple. If you think you're paying taxes and getting no benefit now, just wait. The Fed should be at 20% interest rates. One reason that will never happen is because of the enormous National Debt. Keeping national debt manageable just means hyperinflation is inevitable. The sheet storm that's coming is just punishment for the truly evil on both sides of the aisle. Just bad guys everywhere pretending to be the good guys. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell. Thank You. According to MMT , debt doesn't matter. Only, thanks to the mismanagement of the dollar the overall economic situation is getting worse, and will continue to get worse. Money, true money, is a store of value. it withstands the ravages of time. Whatever it bought yesterday it will buy today and tomorrow. Due to the Federal Reserve's criminal malfeasance, gross incompetence and negligence, the dollar buys less and less. Actually, to be honest, in an economy where productivity is increasing, where human labor is augmented by machines, the natural trend is deflationary. The dollar properly managed should be buying more. Saving should be beneficial as a widget today should be easier and cheaper to produce. The truth is that the worst thing to ever happen to the United States has been the Federal Reserve. The Fed bribed congress in 1913. In that year, the Federal Reserve, a private bank took the power of the purse away from congress. From that moment on. That bank was able to finance the never ending wars and the exponential growth of the federal government with money conjured out of thin air. We are now at the the point that the bloated government and its dependents have a choke hold on the Fed. If the Fed cuts back on the flow of free money, the cities will burn and the streets will run red with blood. Their option is stark. Either they continue the exponential conjuring of money until the dollar dies or they shut off the spigot and the system implodes. We are at the end of the game. The dollar will die. Alan Greenspan is the man who designed the blueprint for the boil the frog policy . One million second is about 11.5 days, a billion seconds is about 31 years and a trillion seconds is 31,000 years. The debt level when Greenspan became fed chair , was about 2.2 trillion . Greenspan boil the frog policies took it to about 8.5 trillion, Bernanke turned up the heat to full and took that to almost 18 trillion . The frog was already dead, but nobody is planning on eating that frog anyways. But one day the jig will be up , the acceleration of debt as illustrated by the relative seconds example assures this mathematically. With a GDP of 2 trillion and a debt level over 28.5 trillion, the only thing keeping the frog from imploding is low-interest rates . If interest rates were 10%, 100% of GDP would be required just to pay the interest . A financial nuclear bomb at some point is going to be dropped.A ticking Nuclear Time Bomb. Doesn’t matter what Clueless Jay Powell and his troop of Uber dovish and desperate FED monkeys do, this charade will end very, very badly. A trillion seconds is 31,000 years , this means the Fed would have to print a dollar out of thin air every second for 651,000 years just to make up for the 21 Trillion dollars the Deep State stole from us. And this is without counting the unfunded liabilities which would pump the debt up from around 30 Trillion to over 120 Trillion. America will reach a debt level of 150% to GDP. This means that the government spends more than it earns each year through taxes. The government doesn't earn anything. It steals it from those who do earn it. They will effectively bankrupt America and crash the market in a worse way than in 1929. The only thing of course is that the US dollar is everybody else's problem because the US in theory, can print a stack of currency and pay everyone off. Its name and its creditworthiness will be destroyed thereafter unless it pays in precious metals or tangible goods. Before we can even think about beginning to print up the dollars necessary to take care of the rest of the quadrillion’s of dollars of debt these banksters have created (and recently passed a law putting all their derivative debt on the backs of the American taxpayers) . Let’s see . How many lifetimes of our children’s children children will it take to pay off that $21 trillion the Deep State stole . assuming a one-hundred year life span .It will only take 6,510 generations to pay off what was stolen . The children to come after that , can then begin paying back all the other quadrillions in debt!! The US Government pays $479 billion a year to service its debt. If interest rates were normal, the servicing cost would be over a trillion. Corporate and government debt will be disappeared, but not consumer debt. The debt donkeys will be ridden until the day they collapse under the weight. The sheer demographics warn that more people will move into retirement, increasing expenditures at a faster pace than there are younger generations to compensate. This means that expenditures will rise and revenues will decline. Even if we were talking about governments that actually did pay off debt, they would still not be able to do so once we pass 2021. We have gone past the point of no return. We now require structural change and FAST! As I have highlighted before , the dollar is dead. The debt is over $28 trillion. Unfunded liability is over $120 trillion at our most conservative estimate and using basic maths, it can't be paid back. This fact should be a humbling experience for many americans, but it's not. These delusional monkeys have the audacity to laugh at Venezuela, when Venezuela has printed less than $800 million, and got sodomized by the international markets for it. But Uncle Scam? Oh no! Different rules apply to this hombre. Approaching $75 trillion in several QE phases depending on your sources. In 2014 Janet Yellen revealed she had spent $4.5 trillion of the King Dollar, on a bond buying program . IE: Government has no money, it issues debt, the Central bank prints money and buys its own government debt. Corporations issue bonds, there are no sane buyers, the FED buys the bonds from printed money, no adverse market reaction to this money printing. Besides the debt in the US is NOT just public debt, there is far more private debt, which is an even larger noose as the rates are higher and they have not as many options to keep adding more without paying. The total debt is probably about $133 trillion to , though in the Fed's numbers the Social Security money owed is not counted in the Federal debt. The number they publish for total debt is about $129 trillion as of end of year 2020. This is up about $4T Billion in Q4 and $1 trillion in Q3, a ridiculous rate. The problem is once you increase the rate of borrowing, the economy and markets adjust to the freshly printed and that becomes the new normal. Then if you try to reduce it you create a recession. This is how Keynes works, used to be every decade the economy is stimulated by injecting liquidity to then be burned out later and a forced recession. All those time your life was screwed over as a recession hit was the Central Bank's planned action to screw you over. We have wrecked debt which will lead to a wrecked financial system , where gold and silver will be the safest assets to have in your hands. Store your gold where you can easily get your hands on it . But silver (not Bitcoin) will be what you want in your wallet to trade for goods when the power grid is shut down by the Deep State , and the internet goes dead, just like your cash in the bank will be useless during a Black Out. So will Bitcoin be useless … it matters not what your bank statement says you have in the closed Bank’s secure vaults nor what you have in your unavailable secure Bitcoin wallet . Word to the wise, put some physical precious metal in your hands now! This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
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