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Tyrannical Governments |
For millennia People have been controlled by fear, brutalized, and killed by tyrannical governments and dictators worldwide if they step out of place, and we seem to have forgotten this, but there is an innate knowing in each human being that if they go against the government they would be killed for certain. That fear is still there in us all. We have been indoctrinated to believe that our governments really care about us. We have believed that the government would never hurt its own people, but that is incorrect.
As each uprising around the planet is now proving, governments will order thier police and military to beat, pepper spray, water canon with chemicals, tear gas, and ultimately kill protesters if they push against the authority of their ‘leaders’. We are seeing the same scenario play out in Thailand, Syria, Ukraine, Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi and elsewhere, where people are realizing they are ruled by gangs of the same unscrupulous people who will do virtually anything to stay in power, even if it means killing the people or the environment.
People are finally waking up from the chloroform and realizing the shocking truth that they are suppressed by a very dark and destructive group of people who will do anything to keep them in line. We see NATO, the United States, British and French governments condemning the violence by other governments on their own citizens, but they would do the same thing if their citizens rebelled against them.
It is amazing to me to think we have thought for all these years that our own governments would not brutalize, and ultimately kill us or anyone uprising against them. The government and banking cartels will not pack their bags and leave on demand, or change their systems, which make them billionaires. The population are their slaves that are used, in order to produce their fortunes, by working for them and being kept in huge debt by them, that is how it works, the system is designed for debt and slavery not freedom. The people’s working time and energy is what feeds the billionaires. They are energy leeches, so to think that they will just quietly leave is a bit naive.
On the contrary the government will order its police and troops to control the crowds who are the governments slaves, and bash them back into line by force or death if need be. This is the shocking realization taking place for the people now in the United States, and the more the demonstrators push then the more this will be revealed. For me it has been obvious for many years, but for most people it will be a shock to realize that they live in one big concentration camp where they must work and do what they are told or suffer the brutal consequences. Of course this truth would stay hidden as long as everyone behaved, and would only become evident when they didn’t. The strength of the prison bars and its wardens are only felt when they are pushed against.
How we ever imagined things had changed much since Henry V111 battered down the uprisings when he ordered that ‘no mercy was to be shown to those commoners who had dared to show disloyalty to the king’, it is the same thing now. The Queen of England is the 32nd great granddaughter of King Alfred. Can you imagine what would happen if people were to congregate around Buckingham Palace and complain that things weren’t fair, demanding change, and that the Queen give up her control over them?
We are standing at the crossroads and precipice of a great and positive change, where we see people globally showing that they have realized that they are slaves to brutal dictatorships who change at every election only by name not nature or substance. We stand on the horizon of the most fascinating transformational time in our history, and the direction of our future is ultimately in the hands of the people who have clearly had enough of being ruled, and held hostage by a handful of barbaric psychopaths. – www.jasonliosatos.com
So true...