I have looked up the video of the hoover dam construction, and before they built it the River Colorado would overflow into (and created) the Salton Sea. With all the publicity the Salton Sea has been getting lately, and the possible volcanic activity below it, then not so far away is the San Andreas Fault, I do think it could be a chain-reaction type scenario that would be assisted by HARP. This is the absolute worst case of course.
It is amazing that those who devise these plans have not realized that things have changed. As Kerry said the internet makes it difficult to govern or something to that effect. What he really meant was the internet is making it difficult to rule or control. You see the media before the internet ruled we had no other source to find truth. Now everything is exposed within hours of any event. Therefore those in control have lost the advantage,yet they continue to respond like they did in the past when everything has changed. They will probably continue to do this and it will be their downfall.